I’m going to be away for a while

As it says, unfortunately I have managed to get the new strain of Covid and it’s brought on a relapse of my Fibromyalgia, a huge flare up! I thought I didn’t feel well for the past couple of days but shrugged it off but this morning I could barely get out of bed. I’ve not had the test yet but I phoned my GP and he said it is likely to be Covid from my symptoms and how Fibromyalgia has flared up.
I’m hoping it’s just going to be a couple of weeks but having Fibromyalgia who knows :man_shrugging: I shall be back as soon as I feel better.


Man can’t believe you are going through this again Darrell ! Fingers crossed it will be short lived and you will bounce back as usual, Added to my morning Metta list, take care. :+1:


Very sorry to hear this. Take care of yourself.

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Good luck Darrell that must be painfull :cry:
All the best :mending_heart:


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It couldn’t have come at a worse time…
Good luck and a quick recovery!

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take care and good luck
not the nicest start for christmas :frowning:

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That’s really bad news, Darrell… I truly hope you’ll get over it, and without complications.
Best of luck and a quick recovery. (I’ll keep my fingers crossed…). Look forward to seeing you back.

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Take care Darrell and relax and enjoy the festive holiday. We’ll still be here when you feel better. :+1::smiley:

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Sorry to hear that Darrell. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

We will be here when you get back :+1:


Really sorry to hear this, hope you’re back on your feet soon.

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Sorry to hear that Darrell. Get well soon!

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Oh Darrell,
So sorry to hear this! I hope your recovery is swift (if so, you’ll be a Swiftie!!!) & that you’re pain-free in no time! Good luck, man!



Oh dear, Darrell, that’s awful. I hope you recover quickly! As you recover, if you find yourself sneaking a peek in these parts, do check in! No guitar-specific news required.


Sorry to read this Darrell; wishing you a speedy recovery.
Hopefully back to the fun stuff soon … :sunglasses:

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Hope it’ll last as short as possible and you’ll feel better soon. Take care of yourself Darrell.

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Take care Darrell and I hope you feel better soon. A friend of my wife suffers from fibromyalgia and I understand how tough it can be.

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Darrell, you have my utmost sympathies and I wish you well as you hopefully push through this latest set back quickly.
Take care.

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Darrell, it is so upsetting to read that you are unwell it is not good at all I have been there any way I hope you start to feel better soon as, and get back on your feet and keep posting we all wish you well :+1:

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Darrell, I’m very sorry to hear. I’m wishing you all the best for a thorough recovery! Take care.


Darrell sorry to hear that mate. Hope you’re feeling better soon.

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