I Will - The Beatles + ...Melody and Fingerstyle Accompainement

Wow Silvia, that was so beautiful. Such relaxed, joyful playing. I love to see how you smile while playing - how do you do that, I just pull a derp guitar face.

You have such an ear for melody and your classical playing is going so well. Loved it.

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That was beautiful Silvia and what I love about it most (apart from the outstanding playing) is that you are smiling and having fun. That’s what it’s all about!

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Beautiful playing Sylvia :two_hearts:

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That was lovely Silvia, I really enjoyed it. I also love transcribing simple (that is max I can do) melodies. It is one of my favorite guitar activities. There is something incredibly satisfying once you manage to figure it out. :slight_smile: Well done!

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That was a real fun listen SILVA!

Very good work you’ve got going on there.

I really liked that you looked like you were really getting into the music. Excellent.
‘I Will’ is a very pretty song imho and you covered it very well. It comes across real good when you do the melody on the guitar to your chord backing track.

As for that string noise. It can be hard to get rid of. I hear it in my playing also and it is a real challenge to get them strings to be quite on some chord changes. Best I can tell, it’s about getting your fingers off the strings for the change and still being able to make a clean change. Challenging for sure.

Thanks for sharing!

Oh, I Will is a song in I’m hip to too. Though I try to sing it while I play it on the guitar, which then makes it so that my version leaves much to be desired.
I like your version better. Good idea doing the vocals (melody) on the guitar.
Think I’ll play me some Beatles this morning… :wink:

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Silva, this is gorgeous! You played so beautifully - amazing arrangement - and with such grace and warmth. One hundred per cent I’m now going to have to go away and work out how to do this song myself. Thanks for the inspiration!

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@sairfingers @JokuMuu @HappyCat @Eddie_09 @CD02 @mfeeney0110

Thank you all dearly, I must confess I’m feeling most overwhelmed by all your positive feedback :gift_heart: You’re all so supportive and motivating for me to keep on going…what is music meant to be then if one can’t share it?

:joy: Gordon you must be kidding me…as Nicole @JokuMuu would say the level of video production here in the Community has reached such levels that I thought a good idea to bring it down…Nicole that was really such a bad joke and it still keeps me laughing!

Thank you! This is such a great exercise to do to develop our skills and even it is very challenging at the beginning then there’s a moment when you eventually find yourself in the flow of music and it’s so magical :heart_eyes:
I’m going to check the video you posted asap! :blush:

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It was meant as a joke as well … albeit there being just a tiny bit of truth in it. I’m glad that I managed to make you you laugh :sunglasses:

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@roger_holland @Richard_close2u @jkahn @Jenndye429 @SDKissFan @saturno @Boris1565 @Nancy15

Thank you all dearly, I must confess I’m feeling most overwhelmed by all your positive feedback :gift_heart: You’re all so supportive and motivating for me to keep on going…what is music meant to be then if one can’t share it?

@Jenndye429 I’m so glad this brought back such sweet memories :heavy_heart_exclamation:

There’s always something special when the praise comes from the Teacher :grin: , thank you! Claudia @Saturno I’ll @ you from a thread where you can find Richard’s rendition…that is inspiring, especially if you are going to strum and sing! Ok I was actually able to copy the link

I do agree …it’s when really I feel a special connection with the guitar. But it’s not like it’s easy…

Jk I’m still developing it, but maybe I now can say I made that initial impossible step when one struggles even with Happy Birthday…I wasn’t luckier with Twinkle Twinkle and got Oh bella ciao totally wrong but still thinking it didn’t sound that bad after all! Eventually Baba said “Baaaa!” :black_large_square::sheep::black_large_square: and that meant something like "hey girl…suppose you can do it! :rofl:

Jeff…the word “perfection” doesn’t belong to my vocabulary :joy: lol

Rogier your heart might be a better place to put it :heart: rather than your face. Do you use time boxing for your practice? If you need anything like chords or tabs etc just ask :kissing_heart:


Super stuff, Silvia. Keep doing what you doing as you’re making excellent progress.

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Haha, loved this! And I guess transcribing is hard even for those with good melody.

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You look so happy when you play! The first song is such a sweet song and you played it great. I liked your cover of Killing Me Softly too. You are very precise with your playing and clearly practice a lot. Your guitar sounds lovely. It was a really enjoyable watch, thanks for sharing.

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Thank you very much for offering :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I don’t know what time boxing means exactly but I don’t need it either :blush:
and the cords and tabs are for me not difficult to find most of the time by ear and if not google is my laborer and not the other way around :laughing:

I have to fill hours a day playing music now that my body is almost fully recovered from last summer’s fall,and for most of the day I embrace the chaos in my head… and work :sunglasses:

… I love adding more and more things to the ever growing list of things I want to learn like licks riffs and songs and someday recording technique and I forget more than just something now ,but the list is long :sweat_smile:… and through my face through my eyes and then through the brain to the “heart”…yes, of course I actually meant … so confrontational sometimes that there are so many fun things to learn … but I see that all as a good thing … by not doing things in time schedules I forget songs which i was bussy with and I sometimes struggled with it for months… then suddenly someone’s question about Happy Birthday then Walzing Matilda comes back into my field of vision, and where months ago I said arggghhh at 2 places in the song, I played it again yesterday morning after a few minutes without errors…

those are the currants in the pudding for me…the icing on the cake…the spontaneous kiss from my wife in public … :smiley:

Thank you again… :smiley:

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Nice job. I too have love this song since it was released.
A suggestion on the D# (Eb) chord. If you think it sounds appropriate of course. I know what you mean about the reach issue on the bass note. If you elect to use a D7 shape in place
Of the D shape, I find the bass note is easier to reach. It’s because the finger on the b-string is 2 frets down (bringing your fretting hand into an easier position to reach the bass note.
Probably not always practical to substitute a D7 for a D. But IMO it almost always suffices and sometimes even improves. I discovered this on “In The Year 2525” where there are a few D#s.

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Hi Silvia,
Good job on this. Your play is concentrated and well done. I like how you play a bit and then check back in with the audience via your smile. You play and flow pretty smoothly that way!

Take good care,

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@brianlarsen @Lisa_S @southpaw6 @beejay56 @Socio @SusanW @LBro @MiJoy

Thank you all dearly, I must confess I’m feeling most overwhelmed by all your positive feedback :gift_heart: You’re all so supportive and motivating for me to keep on going…what is music meant to be then if one can’t share it?

Yes they do! I hit the pause button these past few days to aknowledge that progress has been made and a tangible recording with all you all saying you’ve enjoyed it…that really helps so much and makes me think "oh wow! This is happening for real! I’m really learning to play the guitar! Thanks Lisa for your kindest words :revolving_hearts:

Not that I’m much interested in production but if that will ever happen it’ll be because you all in this Community deserve a better listening experience!

I practice about 1h30m 5days a week, usually divided into two sessions and including Classical, Acoustic and some playing too :blush:

@MiJoy thanks for your suggestion, I tried it and since I use 1 2 3 for my D7 moving it up allows to add little finger down on the G bass note with not much effort which sounds really great :grin:


Some lovely playing there Silvia, thank you for sharing. The transcribing was spot on to my ears. :clap: :clap: :clap:

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You’re such a great entertainer, Sylvia. I love watching you with your smile and expressions. Nice idea to play along with another recording displayed on your phone. Yeah, at first, like @JokuMuu, I too didn’t realize it was you playing along on the phone until I looked at your hand, LOL!

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That was wonderful. Beautifully played Silvia and a great job on the transcribing.

Your enjoyment for playing the guitar is very infectious and comes right through the screen.

Bravo! :clap:

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Bravo, Silvia!
It was a wonderful performance :star_struck:
I got a huge positive charge for the whole evening!
Thank you!

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