I'm nailing the D Shape Eb Chord šŸ˜

Congrats Silvia, vert tough stretch on classical guitar!
Like Boris I can get it to ring out ok when setting the fingers in place to get each noteā€¦ but while playing a song this stretch for Eb is too wide for me. The other Dshape moveable chords become a bit more doable for me moving down the guitar when the frets start to become thinner :rofl:

I think she is referring to middle finger G string 3rd fret, ring finger e string 3rd fret, pinky B string 4th fretā€¦ all while using index finger to hold down D string 1st fret.

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Oh noā€¦it wasnā€™t meant like a challenge :joy: in my language I would say ā€œForza!ā€ , literally ā€œStrenght!ā€ as a way to say ā€œletā€™s take courage and be brave and tryā€ or something like thatā€¦we associate this meaning to the arm with mussels :blush:

Youā€™re absolutely right! In fact I never practiced it and tried alternatives like transposing the chords or use a capo or simply remove the Eb. ā€¦ because it was too difficult!

In this case the Eb (we call it MI bemolle) in italian) is only oneā€¦ you know I WILL by The Beatles? I transposed it to G and at the end when it goes like ā€œoh you know Iā€¦wiiiiiillā€ itā€™s D7 to Eb and then to G on the final ā€œI wiiilll!ā€
Removing the Eb and go straight to G might be the easier solution, as it sounds fine, and I might do that if I see itā€™s too difficult to play it in the songā€¦ @Dro_1 ā€¦but I thought since the chord changes are coming out nicely and smooth and sound clean I will practice a bit more and see if I can transition without panic when itā€™s the moment (the panic being a very likely variable :joy:)

C shape bar chords are impossible for me too! And since there are other smarter alternatives I donā€™t think lā€™ll ever try! Better move the Cchord the way it is but simply adding pinky down on the third fret of the high e stringā€¦try to move that shape, if you havenā€™t yetā€¦

@sairfingers thatā€™s as Sandro wrote, it has the shape of a D up a fret and you add the Eb bass note as root on the 4th string (first fret) using index.

Oh lovely.
And wow, that brings back a distant memory.

I didnā€™t
Iā€™m wondering if you could play a C-shape D7 followed by moving it up one fret from Eb7.
I donā€™t have guitar next to me to hear if the Eb7 sounds okay in that context.
It would be an essy chord move.


What a lovely rendition! :heart_eyes: And a very beautiful voice!
Iā€™ll experiment to move the C shape ( I assume youā€™re not meaning the barre C shape :sweat_smile:) I should be able to fingerpick only the notes that are in the chord and leave the other ones that arenā€™t. Thanks for the suggestion, Iā€™ll @ you if I come up with anything decent.

ā€¦ I had to tryā€¦ I can form the chord and three tries out of four I got all strings ringing out fine. But thatā€™s on my Godinā€¦ and painless it was notā€¦

But on classical guitar? Changing to and from this chord must be tortureā€¦ Wow, what an accomplishment Silvia :clap::clap::clap:

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C chord with barre playing at frets 3 and 5 is an A-shape barre chord.
Imagine c7.
Move up 2 frets for D7 up one more foe Eb7.


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Just another thought.

If Eb7 doesnā€™t sound right then try forming the Eb as a C-shape and add your little finger to the high E string also.


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OK Silvia, no arm wrestling. Perhaps some day weā€™ll do a long distance Dueling Banjos!

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You could also play a D shaped Eb/G - using the pinky to play the G on the 5th fret D string (the third of the chord instead of the root) . Still a stretch, but I find that shape much easier to play

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I play somtimes C in open position with pinkie on G, but never tried to move this shape and play 4 strings. I will try to use this, thank you!

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Nicoleā€¦I hope that after trying youā€™ll forget the Eb because as Richard pointed out it is an uneccessary torture! And difficult to use in songsā€¦better to find alternativesā€¦ but I had to share my joy to see that without even realising with just routine and keep on going and playing Iā€™m developing some good dexterity in my fretting hand and what was impossible and painful is now possible without painā€¦but being able to use it in songsā€¦thatā€™s something differentā€¦

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Just gave this chord a go Silvia. Wow thatā€™s a difficult stretch! If I come across a song with that one in it Iā€™ll be playing a 3 string triad version! :smiley:

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This is such a great idea! Because the song is transposed in the key of G and that bass G note on the Eb right before the final G will be a super nice way to bring the song home! I havenā€™t tried yet but I think it should sound super lovelyā€¦andā€¦(devilish look in my eyes)ā€¦ thereā€™s a G on the third fret on the 6th string, right? Since I can play barre chords what if I bar the third fret, use middle to reinforce the pressure of the bar (as I do with minor chords) and just put ring finger on the third fret of the B string? And from that to the last G, a barre G! @Richard_close2u does it sound as a good idea? I think itā€™ll make it all a lot easier.

In Grade 3 youā€™ll find this lesson ā€œHow to Play Easy Chord Shapes Up The Neckā€ā€¦ you can use this little trick to put down a finger and move the shape of any chordā€¦thereā€™s a theoretical reason why you can do that, but I donā€™t want to spoil the joy of finding it out by yourself by telling you :blush:
Andā€¦never mind Justin pretending he doesnā€™t know how to move the G shape, Iā€™m pretty sure he does it to boost further investigations from his students :laughing::wink: our good Teacher!

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@sairfingers yes thatā€™s a very good idea!

If you are looking for some voice leading and movement then you can explore some or all of these.
Because youā€™re finger picking, unfretted strings are irrelevant. You just play the strings you want.

The chord shape top right could be used to add higher pitched movement in the higher. You could pick the Bb on fret 6 then lift your 4th finger to play the G on fret 3. Leading to your G chord resolution. That would be smooth and easy.
If you want to hear Eb as the bass root then you would need to use one of the bottom shapes. When you move to your closing barre chord G major, you could start it on the 5th string, the note D, giving a voice leading from Eb on 5th string to D on 5th string. Then use the full G chord with its root note on 6th string as your final flourish.

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