You’re certainly getting your money’s worth out of that boss RC-10R. That sounded fantastic mate. It’s great to watch it fuel your creativity. You are definitely making super progress.
I enjoyed listening to it! Keep it up
That was excellent!!! Thanks for sharing.
Nicely played Kamil, so nice phrases going on there and the subtle use of whammy was very thoughtful. Very easy to over do it but that cleverly applied.
agree with everyone’s comments so far Kamil, that was great!
Fabulous, Kamil. Really enjoyed that, the tone, your lines and phrases, use of the whammy bar.
I personally like to see what people are doing, either to learn or be inspired, so would generally prefer a clean video for AVOYP. Though the effect you used was cool and suited the jam.
Keep on keeping on!
Well done !!!
You’ve got some chops my Brotha! You just picked up a subscriber.
What’s your guitar backstory? Inquiring minds want to know.
Awesome inspiration and awesome impro Kamil, sounded really good! Especially enjoyed when you started to strum around 00:59 - that was such a Frusciante vibe! Now some more feedback action and you can go for their support guitarist on next tour
Sounded really good dude. Was interesting, good repeated lines, great tone etc.
As to what areas you should work on - you’re well beyond my play grade but one thought I have with soloing is the hardest part seems to be the entry and exit. Shifting from rhythm into solo, telling the story, and then finishing off the solo and getting on with the rest of song. When I listen to solos I like, they all seem to do that well. So perhaps that’s something to work on.
Wow, that’s a lot of feedback. Thank you.
@Socio Thank you. Yes, boss RC-10R is getting lots of use. I use it often when practicing Justin’s lessons. Practicing with drum loops is also more fun than with a plain metronome. I feel it’s improving my timing.
@Coffee119, @sticktothemuse @Notter, @JasonBuk Thank you.
@TheMadman_tobyjenner Thank you, and happy to hear about whammy bar usage. That was one of the new things I added to my playing here.
@DavidP Thank you. I will keep the filters off for videos recorded with the intent of sharing. This one was intended for the private archive that I use to track progress, and ideas and listen back to check what to improve. So to share it, I had to add a filter to hide underwear and other embarrassing things.
@CT Thank you, much appreciated. You can find more details about my backstory at Kamkor's Learning Log. I learned most stuff from JustinGuitar and continue to learn that way. The Justin way works for me. I don’t post often, but I’m working on another post, where I explain my learnings about guitar recording.
@adi_mrok Thank you. I’m so happy you pointed 00:59 part. I was most happy about it. I was adding some open strings there to add grit, dirt, and intensity.
I guess I need to figure out how to add feedback sound using digital amp.
@jkahn Thank you. That’s a great idea. I’ve noticed that in improvisation I’m often doing ideas that span 8 bars. All these 8 bars are a bit connected but don’t form a story. What you’re saying sounds like the next level to aspire to. I will incorporate that into my guitar practice routine.
Try looking for pedals such as Boss FB-2 (although not in sale anymore so 2nd market is your friend) or Digitech Freqout. I have the boss one and it’s so much fun!
Thanks for the tip. Will be sure to check something like this out.
Dude, that was cool!! Loving the tone and vibe, all sounding great from my perspective!
Above my play grade so no real advice I can think of but I would love to hear you expand on this into a fuller song, if that is of interest to you? I think you have something there that’s worth exploring deeper
@nzmetal Thank you a lot. I’d love to expand it into a song. That’s one of the reasons I bought Boss RC-10R looper. To get me more into songwriting.
I still struggle to connect all pieces to form a song, but I hope to get there at some point.
Sounds fabulous Kamil…such great playing, it keeps the ear interested all the way through to the end…I must confess, this is most impressive to me!
That was very tasty, Kamil. Some sweet licks there. Keep on doing what you’re doing, it’s real good.
Just one thing, I think the lense on your camera needs looking at.
Thank you @SgtColon I will have to investigate the lens.
@adi_mrok, guess what I bought? You were right about guitar feedback pedals being so much fun.
Hey that was awesome Kamil, glad my post was some help to you and you’re now cracking on with your feedback adventure I was contemplating on Digitech and only reason I went with Boss was lower price
awesome jam, last few seconds with whammy bar is such an Emit Remmus moment to me