Introduction - Shane in New South Wales, Australia

I’m Shane from Wollongong NSW Australia. I’m almost 68 yo and i’m late to guitar. I was having group lessons for 3 years until Covid closed the guitar school. Made Level 3 and now i’m progressing myself with Justin’s program.

I find learning guitar a great retirement hobby and something which certainly keeps the mind sharp.


Hi Shane,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses: and you found the best brain thing for your retirement time :sunglasses:

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Hello Shane, welcome among us! Guitar learning is good both for the brain and for the soul! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I wish you a lot of fun in your journey…do share when you’ll be comfortable with that, we’re here to help and support eachother…there’s something special about this :blush:

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Thanks Silvia! That’s very kind of you.

Thanks for the reply Roger.

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Hello Shane and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

I hope you’re enjoying Justin’s course as much as you did your in person ones.

Hi Shane! Welcome! Enjoy the journey with Justin, he is really a wonderful teacher. BTW, there,s a fun thread here called “Can old dogs learn new tricks?” At 68, you qualify… Just sayin’!!!


Welcome to the community mate, from a fellow Aussie, on the east coast, also named Shane :crazy_face:.

Anyway, dig in - this is great community where you’ll continually improve if you stick to it, and have a lot of fun with these folk along the way.
All the best.

Cheers, Shane

Welcome Shane, the therapeutic benefits are real and valuable, I couldn’t agree more! Enjoy and have fun here :slight_smile:

Hi Shane. Welcome to the community. I agree with the comments already made about the benefits of leaning to play guitar. I’m an “Old Dog” who had previous experience before connecting with Justin Guitar. In the 3+ years I’ve been using JG I’ve become a much better guitarist and continue to improve. There is no end of new things and songs to learn. The community is supportive, helpful, and entertaining.
Enjoy the journey!

Welcome to the forum Shane

Welcome aboard, Shane! Glad you found this great community. :slight_smile:

Wishing you lots of fun and joy on your guitar journey.

Welcome Shane.

Welcome to the Community Shane.

Shane, I share your story. I am 68 and started with Justin last year. Welcome aboard!

Great to hear from another aussie on the forum, there are a few of us around here. I’m 65 and loving playing guitar in retirement. It’s a great way to while away a few hours. Look forward to hearing more from you.

Hello Shane, welcome to the community. It sounds like you have a good start on the guitar with your group classes. There are a lot of great songs to learn in the song lessons on Justin’s website. Have fun continuing to learn and making progress on the guitar.

Nice one Shane, never too old. Welcome aboard. Have loads of fun and enjoy the ride.

Hi Shane, nice to have you here! Welcome!

Hi Shane, welcome. Good you are enjoying your retirement playing guitar and found Justin Guitar to replace your in person lessons.