Iron Man- my first AVOYPšŸ˜³

As Metalbrain noted, some parts are repeated more than they do in the original, and at some places I hear little gaps of silence in between transitions, but nothing that canā€™t be rectified with practice over time. Other than thatā€¦ nice stuff.

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Tuva, First let me say that these comments are offered in the spirit of encouragement, and I hope youā€™ll receive them in that light.
I speak for myself, but I know for a fact there are others on this forum with similar stories. Iā€™m 74 1/2 years old and took the route of trying to learn guitar starting when I was about 18. I tried tabs, I tried by ear, I tried different methods, I even tried person to person lessons. This went on for years off and on - with not much success.
When I found Justin on the Web about 6 1/2 years ago I thought I would give it one more try. When I started with Justinā€™s method I could almost play one song and knew a few chords. I set goals, I set a practice routine, I stuck with it even when it seemed boring at times. (Sorry Justin). All I wanted to do was learn more chords and maybe play a little lead/licks/riffs. Believe me when I say that Justinā€™s method works if you put in the time and have the determination.
You seem to have some natural ability and desire to play, and thatā€™s good. Even if you just go through the beginner course and hopefully the intermediate course, you can come out with a wealth of knowledge and technical skills that will make you a better guitarist. And the forum is here to encourage you and help you any time you have questions or get in a rut.

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Hi Tuva,

Hell yes. Great work.
Really good, thick heavy tone.
Tips: get some Ozzy headbanging going. :slight_smile:

Loved it.


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That was really well played Tuva. I canā€™t believe you are only a year into your guitar adventure.

Belated happy NGD as well, that is a lovely looking instrument, that I hope will bring you many years of happiness. Not sure Iā€™d be letting my dad anywhere near it. :smiley:

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That was awesome, canā€™t believe I missed this when it was first posted.

You said you want to be in a band some day. Now while you are at school is the best time, everyone is learning. It was around your age I started jamming with friends (I was the drummer then) and had an awesome time.

All you need to do is find a drummer! Bass players are optional :rofl:


Hey thatā€™s a great choice, Iā€™ve got one too but green! Awesome guitar to play with and I agree comparing to cheaper guitars itā€™s unbelievably good and easy to play!

I have also missed the boat - wow that was great! I can only dream now of being able to play so well as you do in your age! Those days are long gone now :rofl: really well played well done! With a bit more practice you will get even better timing that you have already nailed down, all I can see is moving upwards from now on! All the best Tuva!

Edit. Trond is that your girl? Blimey you have a real diamond here! Awesome waiting for an Open Mic collab one day :smiley:


Thank you! I love the green one its very
Pretty! Thanks for the feedbackšŸ˜„

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Ive tried to get my friends into playing instruments but they dont want to hahah,
Hopefully one day i find someone!

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Wow canā€™t believe I missed this. After just a year my only advice is keep doing what you are doing, your heading to be a future rock goddess, starting at your age.

ā€œTuva Daughter of Trondā€
You Rock Rock

Good to see you are taking you ā€œold manā€ to the dark side :rofl:


Hi Tuva, pretty good playing there. You have proven yourself you can do it; playing a challenging song that sounds like the song. Although it may be not as fun as just playing from a tab until it sounds good, working on the technique through Justin Guitar lessons (or any other guitar method) can enhance your guitar skills and allow you to know how to get the exact sound you are looking for (part it is the guitar and gear but the other part is the player). You can pass very quick whatever you have already learnt and spend more time only on what is new or you feel you need to improve.

Hope to see more of your guitar and of the other guitar played by your dad @tRONd (Iā€™m sure you can both find something with the appropriate level of difficulty) :upside_down_face:

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