Is the subcription package and price for the Music Theory course changing?

if its so inconsequential to you perhaps you can pay for mine :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:


Let me think about that :slight_smile:

I just noticed this change. I totally understand a price increase as the value seemed so good to be true. Iā€™ve been using the free lessons for over a year and was actually looking to pay for the $99 life-time access this week as sort of a way to pay for all the material Iā€™ve consumed so far and to support Justin but that offering is no longer an option so I am honestly a little disappointed. Maybe a warning may have been helpful. I hope there will be another life-time access option in the future with or without a price increase.

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Came here thinking the same thing! I JUST completed module 2 yesterday and was surprised to see module 3 requires payment. Itā€™s still listed above the ā€œsubscribe to unlock full courseā€ button and itā€™s not grayed out nor does it have a padlock on it. Strange.

I think some people here are missing the point :thinking:
If JustinGuitar was a business set up to make profit from the outset, it would be fair enough to expect a high level of ā€˜customer careā€™.
My understanding is it started out as free sample lessons, an advertisement for guitar tuition with Justin, and simply grew in popularity. As it has become a full-time occupation, of course he has to figure out ways to earn a living and pay staff. The course has always been, and still remains free to everyone.
Sure, in recent times there are more ā€˜accessoryā€™ components that folk are able to purchase if they wish. And yes, they are becoming more comparable in price to other services. I donā€™t think thereā€™s any information in the Practical Music Theory course that is not available for free on the internet elsewhere. Youā€™re paying for his teaching style and to support the site.
As I type, there are over 170ā€™000 registered users on the site. If every one of those simply donated six pounds, that would be over a million quid! (Donā€™t even think about his 1.6 million YouTube subscribers :roll_eyes:)
By all means, cancel/donā€™t purchase your subscriptions if you donā€™t think theyā€™re worth it, but please think before you complain that the ā€˜businessā€™ is not being run professionally enough or that there are not enough ā€˜bargainsā€™ anymore.
Rant over
Peace :v:


And lets not forget if anyone is in a situation where they genuinely canā€™t afford the premium courses Justin does take that into consideration and makes arrangements for them to have free access. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever come across such a generous and caring offer on any other platforms.


I received the email saying the following and I just have a question bc I am confused (English is not my first language):

  1. Email
    " Your JustinGuitar Practical Music Theory Course subscription is due for renewal in 7 days. Youā€™re subscribed to a Legacy Plan that no longer exists - but you can keep that deal for as long as you want!
    :moneybag: Your current subscription costs 9.99 USD every 6 months. Now, we only have montlhy or yearly plans: the monthly one costs 5.99 USD, and the yearly plan costs 44.99 USD.
    I hope you are enjoying the course and getting a lot out of it; if you want to keep it going, you donā€™t need to do anything! Your 6-Month Legacy Plan will renew automatically."

  2. Question: when it is renewing automatically, does that mean it will take 9,99 USD from my bank account and I will have the plan for 6 more months. Or will it switch automatically for another plan?

Hi Olivia it should renew for the 9.99 for 6 months.
@larynejg or @Richard_close2u can either of you find out for sure if this is the case?

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If you keep your current subscription going, youā€™ll pay the original price (forever).

If you ever let it lapse, youā€™ll have to sign up for one of the new plans.

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The copy could be a bit better structured; gonna check with team

Hi there!

Thanks for reaching out. Youā€™ll be charged the same price you already have, 9.99 USD every six months. If you cancel the auto-renew but wish to subscribe again, you can only access the new plans.

Best wishes,