JG Community Youtube Channel - please subscribe

No. 32 :hugs:

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Gordon I canā€™t answer your other questions but the OMs have been made available to the Community via @adi_mrok Adiā€™s personal YT channel, so this brings that process in house so to speak. These videos have always been available to anyone on YouTube, so I suspect nothing will change in that respect. Just the ā€œhostā€.


Could be ykculnu I suppose unless your Italian ?

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Hmmā€¦ I wasnā€™t aware of this :thinking:

Just tested and @Stitch is correct. Looks as if videos published here as unlisted can be accessed by any random person, who is searching through the forum without being logged in. That leads the idea of publishing unlisted videos here somewhat ad absurdum :slightly_smiling_face:

I was among the first ten subscribers btw, donā€™t remember the number anymore :nerd_face:


Or just searching google :wink:

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Oh no. True that :face_in_clouds:

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This is what I found when Googling 31:

In numerology, the number 31 associates with creativity, change, and progress . This number can be seen as a sign of new beginnings and opportunities.

Itā€™s also half of 62 which is my birth year & is in my username!!! Iā€™m happy! :grin:



Iā€™m in. Another awesome addition To Justinguitar #32

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Looks like I am # 37

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YEEHAW. I subscribed, too. I think Iā€™m number 44?

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done! Squeee


done :smiley: up to # 49

#51 (I think?! :thinking::rofl: It was either that or 50, didnā€™t pay much attention aside from seeing it was 50 but canā€™t remember if that was before or after I hit the subscribe button. Then I read through the thread above and thought ooh Iā€™d better check and it said 51,so picking I was 51 unless someone snuck in just after me :wink::sweat_smile:)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Subbed, 57.

Itā€™s not absurd if other groups (family, friends, hobbies) are subscribed to your youtube channel and you donā€™t want them seeing a guitar learning video.

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I think, the issue is more about the fact, that somebody who knows, you are learning with JG, only has to enter your first name or abbreviation into google or whatever to get access to all content youā€˜ve ever shared here, including your videos, setted at private, without registration (f.ex. Andrea+Justin Guitar) leads directly into the community. May probably not suit everyone in case he donā€˜t wants others to see guitar learning videos outside of this community, at least, he should be aware of that. Beginner Safe Space?

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Brian is now in total panic and trying to do a lot of damage control after his last performanceā€¦ :joy: :rofl:
Noooo :innocent:

Edit: sorry Iā€™m doing it againā€¦ joking about you in a busy thread/or time without a tag
Hi @brianlarsen :blush:


True, thatā€™s round about how my husband tried to explain it to me yesterday :slightly_smiling_face:

Still, I think my original point has some value too. Given that none of the community posts are ā€œbehind log-inā€ any random person can also find the unlisted videosā€¦

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Rogier, it isnā€˜t about Brian at all, itā€˜s more a general thing I realised some time ago. I canā€˜t even tell it to 100%, as Iā€˜m always logged in, but also the stats are accessible to everyone, even to somebody outside??? Nothing really to hide on my side, but I think it doesnā€˜t hurt to be aware of this :slightly_smiling_face:.

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