JGC Open Mic XV / 15 - Call For Interest

I can do a hat!

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:confounded: …just been informed we’re in Liverpool on Saturday 15th! :confounded:

Hi Toby, audience if possible please?:+1:

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No problem Ian, on the list sir ! :sunglasses:

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Happy to join the audience. UTC+1

No problem Jeff, I was just about to send the Audience mail out. I’ll quickly add you in !!


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In fact you’re now UTC + 2 ie CET so a 2100 start ! :+1:

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I would like to join as an audience member. My UTC -7 with DST. I am in Vancouver Canada.



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Seat booked :+1: DM to follow with details. :sunglasses:

Hi mate, apologies but I’ll not be able to tune in on Saturday. It’s the wife’s 60th birthday party, almost forgot. Oops!:flushed:

Blimey Ian that was a good catch, There would have been hell to pay if you missed that! :scream: Catch it on the replay :+1:


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Audience for me please. :+1: UTC - 4

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Added to the list Jason, DM to follow :+1:

Sign me up for the audience, please :metal: - UTC -5

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Will do Hilary :+1:

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Hi Toby. I’m currently on a weeks Easter holiday in Ireland so may not be at ‘home’ on Saturday evening.
Could you send me an audience link please just in case. UTC +1. Thanks.

Will do Gordon. Hope you are having a nice time !! :sunglasses:

Ian :scream: :scream: :scream:
Bad Ian bad Ian…

Have a great day together :bouquet:



Cheers mate :+1:


Hi Toby,
I also would like to join the audience if possible :slightly_smiling_face:. UTC +2.