JGC Open Mic XXV / 25 Call For Interest (20th July 2024)

JGC Community Open Mic XXIII/ 25 - Saturday 20th July 2024

Register now to join the audience or be considered as a performer at the next JustinGuitar Community Open Mic.

Read on!


Online via Zoom.


Open Mic XXV / 25 Saturday 20th July 2024 @ 1900 UTC

Audience registration

Getting a seat in the audience is simple. Just reply to this thread stating your wish to attend. The Zoom link will be distributed one week before the event.


There are fifteen performer slots available with an opportunity to play one or two songs. Please state your wish to be considered for a slot in a reply to this topic and tag (using the @ symbol) richard_close2u. Remember to state your location & UTC time zone.

Performer slots are available according to the following criteria.

  • We ask that performers be actively engaged members who embody the positive and supportive pay-it-forward ethos we have long nurtured within the Community.
  • We ask that performers have made an Introductory topic, ideally including some information about their learning path with JustinGuitar.
  • We ask that performers have shared audio-video of their playing in the Community Recordings section, recorded since becoming a Community member.*
  • We ask that performers have previously attended Open Mics as an audience member.

The performer application window closes 24th June @ 1900 UTC (approximately 4 weeks before the show) after which a final list of performers will be published. If the number of potential performers exceeds our limit we may need to disappoint some people - although regular performers often express their willingness to step aside and allow newer performers their chance. We do try to give all who express an interest the opportunity to perform.

More info
Some helpful links, especially for performers:

Thanks for your interest in the Community Open Mic. We look forward to seeing you there!

Here are our performers for OM25


Oooo my …Toby what are you looking “strange” :scream:

Greetings :wink:

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Hi Richard Lara and I will play, but will give way to newbies should it be required. We will perform two songs. UTC+1


Hey look!
@Richard_close2u is able to time-travel :open_mouth:
Shoulda left the shout out for the madman. He knows what he’s doing :rofl:


Hi Richard - I’m up for a performing slot if possible. Again, happy to stand aside for less regular/debut performers.



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2 songs, UTC+3.
Thank you :blush:

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April 2024 ???

Richard, would this be a suitable pedal for traveling back in time?

Any other recommendations welcome :grin:


My first day in a new job and I’ve crashed the bus!
Correct date now up top.


When i was a Centurion in the Legion, 25 was XXV in the roman lingo. … :wink:

Need to check with “the boss” if I am free. WTS … :sunglasses:

Et tu Brute? :wink:

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maybe changing that too ?


Open Mic XXIII/ 23 Saturday 13th April 2024 @ 1900 UTC


This copy / paste business has so many pitfalls.
Is it correct now ?

I didn’t realize this would be a comedy open mic! This has been a good laugh this morning. thought only I made those mistakes!

Now says we are back to 15 (XV).


Still a 23 here. :

JGC Community Open Mic XXIII/ 25 - Saturday 20th July 2024

Its 15 not 25 :rofl:


Open Mic XV / 25 Saturday 20th July 2024 @ 1900 UTC

JGC Open Mic XV / 25 Call For Interest (20th July 2024)

you’ve never been a centurion :stuck_out_tongue:



Can I have a seat in the audience, please?
Thank you Richard.

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Please put us in the performance pot for a song. We may try for 2 if there is a shortage of entries, and always ready to stand aside for new talent. Thanks!

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Roman numerals are just too hard sometimes, surely someone will invent a better numbering system one day?!?!?

Audience for me please Richard, hopefully I can make this one.


Thank you for taking this on Richard :sunflower:
Looking forward to this OM too. Even the call for interest thread has been thoroughly entertaining :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :laughing:

Can I have an audience seat please?
Thank you :slight_smile: