JGC Open Mic XXI / 21 Call For Interest

Sorted :+1:

Once again, as OM night approaches, a twinge of regret at not having signed up and the urge to be part of the event :roll_eyes:
Maybe Iā€™ll just have to put on my thinking cap and post a lo-fi warm-up act :rofl:


Knowing you, that might not be entirely metaphorical


Please put me down for an audience place



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Welcome to the Community John, seat booked, DM to follow.

Hey Toby! Just realised I never asked for an audience seat?! :flushed: :man_facepalming:
Are there still any seats left, maybe in the back row? Or even the aisle? Failing that, happy to hang just outside and listen with an ear to the door :wink: :sweat_smile:
Thanks mate! :metal:

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Iā€™ll send you one of those with a very long rope, Jeff, and sing it through for you thaen you have an idea what`s gooing on hereā€¦


:rofl: :+1:

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Sorted Jeff, DM to follow. :metal:

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Hi Toby, I have to attend a birthday party. But could you book me an audience seat please? Just in case I can escape early.


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Pop me on the audience list please @TheMadman_tobyjenner

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@Sebastian_Dewulf-Ortega @Rossco01

Sebastian, Jason seats booked, DM to follow. :sunglasses:

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Hey Toby how many heads in the audience? Seems like this one is getting some nice levels of interest and would be great to know if its me exaggerating or not :laughing:

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A very healthy 30 bums on seats so far and that donā€™t include this bum !!
Plus 14 performers, so looking like a good turn out.

Should be a good one. :+1:

Oh and no pressure. :rofl:


I wouldnā€™t claim to have a particularly healthy bumā€¦gone too far south. :wink:

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Please include me in the audience @TheMadman_tobyjenner :slightly_smiling_face:

Seat booked, will send DM. :sunglasses:

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Just wanted to wish everyone good luck on Saturday. I will be in London with my family for my wifeā€™s birthday hence why I miss this one, will be thinking about you all having fun, London is not my idea of fun. Good luck


Have a great weekend Eric. Happy birthday wishes to your good lady, :sunglasses:

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Please put me down for the audience.