JGC Open Mic XXI / 21 Call For Interest

Seat booked Tim. :sunglasses:

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Hi Toby.
Front row seat please?

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Could I get a seat in the very back close to the emergency exit, where noone will notice when I log off in case my Zoom-connection is as bad as last time I was in the Open Mic audience? :nerd_face:

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Just noticed this!

I’d like an audience seat please, thanks.

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Hi Toby,

Are there any more performance spots open? I’m thinking about going for it again. I don’t want to get my hopes up if it’s full.



The application window performers for this OM closed December 25th, as per the header. Plenty of seats available in the audience though :wink: Keep an eye out for future events.


And to confirm, seats booked for


Thank you for your support.



The early bird gets the worm. Got it so maybe another time. Thanks again.

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Pleas add me to the audience to cheer on the pros performing :sunglasses:

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Seat booked. :sunglasses:


Toby @TheMadman_tobyjenner
I have probably missed the announcement, but have the dates for the rest of 2024 been decided?

Michael I have not announced the dates formally and not something we normally do but they will follow the usual relative 6 week cycle. The idea being not to have folk just rock up in the Community when there’s an OM due. Those who are more actively engaged (a criteria for playing) like your good self, will the see announcements when they are posted. Hope that makes sense.

BTW I will be sending out the Audience DM this weekend, in good time for folks to check the link.


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Thanks Toby @TheMadman_tobyjenner

All understood, was just trying to see how my variable Saturday commitments work with being home in time for sound check assuming it will be 7pm UK time. Always seem to be ok for a seat in the .audience though.


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Still very much an EMEA/US biased, so unless that dramatically changes, then yes for now it will remain 1900 UTC…but remember that’s 8pm UK in summer BST/UTC+1.


So many debutants this time :star_struck:.


Shhhh! I’m trying not to think about it :slight_smile:


Toby @TheMadman_tobyjenner
Yes BST would definitely work to my advantage, if it happened to be on EMEA/US bias.
Already got my diary on the screen to see how things might work. :guitar::+1:

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:speak_no_evil: Sorry, Paul.


Hi Toby, Can you add me to the audience please.
Thanks Paul.

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