JGC Open Mic XXIV / 24 Call For Interest

Hello Toby, one performance for me if possible
Burlington Vermont is UTC minus 4.

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Hi Toby,
I’d love to perform, and get something new prepared again, but aware I’ve done a few on the bounce recently so happy to step aside if it’s crowded

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Hi Toby,

I would like an audience seat, please.
Thank you.


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Hi Tobi, I’ve got one short song, I’d like to perform. So, if there is still space, please put me on the list :smiley:.

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Time is at a bit of a premium at the moment. Lots going on. Pop down for the audience Toby please.

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Please add me to the audience for this event.


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Looks like I returned just in time before tonight’s deadline to put my name into the ballot.
Performer slot please.
BST (UTC +1)

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As usual I will be contacting the performers via DM but all 15 who applied to play get a slot.


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Is it too late to grab an audience or performance spot?

Did you read the post above David and the header ? Audience only since 29th April, if you want a seat ?

Sorry. Yes I’d like a seat. Just trying to get back into the groove of the community since it’s been a while

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Audience please :pray:

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A seat in the audience please!

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I would like an audience seat too please Toby

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For folks who have signed up for the Audience, I’ll be issuing a DM with the OM link later this week. Few things on at the moment but I want to make sure everyone is listed in the spreadsheet before sending comms out !


Please can you put me down as a possible attendee Toby? I’m not 100% sure yet. I might be out on a birthday lash. Thank you. :slight_smile:

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No probs Stefan I’ll be DMing the Audience peeps tomorrow so will add you to the list.

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Hi @TheMadman_tobyjenner could I get a seat in the audience? Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

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Will add you to the DM :sunglasses:

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