JGC Open Mic XXIV / 24 Call For Interest

Hi Toby, do we have the Zoom link yet? I cannot locate it. Thanks :smiley:
Strike that, just found it :face_with_spiral_eyes: :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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In the Perf DM Mal !

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Pssstā€¦Audience pleaseā€¦UTC-7.


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Hi Toby,

better late than never: May I have some ticket for the audience, please? Thanks :smiley:

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@Garyl918 @Lisa_S DM on its way. :sunglasses:

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Hi Toby, can you put me down for a seat in the audience please, itā€™s cup final day on Saturday though so not sure if Iā€™ll make it, especially if we win :grinning:

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Check your inbox David ! Good luck on Saturday, as a Watford support I wonā€™t ask which side!

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Hi Toby, can I have an audience seat please. UK Time.

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DM on its way Don. :+1:

Can you send me the zoom link?
Iā€™ve looked up and down the thread and cannot find.

I now see in my email ftom 4/29
So Iā€™ve got it

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Good afternoon, Iā€™ve must signed up today but have been a long time subscriber to JustinĀ“s App on Musopia. I would like to join the audience for theis eveningā€™s open mic if there is still room.
Many thanks

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Will DM you in a hour or so, currently out and about. See you later.

Hi Toby,

New to guitars and Justin guitar but this looks interesting. Please could I have an audience seat if not too lateā€¦edit Iā€™m in the UK. Thank you in advance :cowboy_hat_face:


Apologies again: I am unable to attend the Open Mic 24. Hope the evening goes well for all participants and the audience.


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Unexpected company today so I wonā€™t be able to be at the OM live, I will have to catch it later in the recording. Have fun everybody!

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DM on its way check your inbox. :sunglasses:

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Company got changed to tomorrow (yay!) so Iā€™m once again looking forward to being in the audience for the OM!

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You have your ticket so all is good. See you in a while Mari.

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Can I get a seat in the audience, please? Back row, if possible.

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