JGC Xmas Bash 2022 - Livestream No.2

Put me in for audience, please.

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If there’s still space, I’d like to take a shot at performing. I’ve been hanging around this community for a couple of years, and it’s time to take some risks. It looks like it will be 2pm my time [EST]. That’s perfect! If the performing spots are all taken, I’d still like to be there, please.


if my memory serves we are full up on performers now. Looks like procrastination did me in, or saved me. not sure which. Please add me to the audience Boston, MA utc -5

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We really really, really like to encourage people to step out of the shadows and out of their comfort zones.
Please note in my updates post just above a link to our eligibility criterion. Post an introductory and share a recording in AVOYP asap and your name is on the list.


Names are being taken for performer spots until the deadline.
You’re on the list John.

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I really appreciate your flexibility and encouragement. I was a little concerned about the eligibility rules, so it’s great that you’re giving me the chance to catch up with the requirements. Sorry about not doing the intro. I thought I had done it, but it turns out I was mistaken. Anyway, I’ll be happy to work on posting in the AVOYP section and getting an official introduction posted ASAP. This community has given me so much, and it’s time for me to gather enough courage to contribute more.


Indeed :wink:


I will take a seat in the audience. Have been planning and working on introductory and posts in AVOYP. If i can manage it i will play. Will try to get those done. Time is not on my side on this one. Cheers all. :slight_smile:

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Richard fyi I am more than happy to sit this one out if that means new people can get their chance for a debut :slight_smile:


Thoughts, while I have mobile signal. Maybe worth posting this information into the main header so people read it when they pick up the thread.


Put me down for the audience please! When I say “put me down”, I don’t mean like in a visit to the vet.


Hi can I be included for audience please?

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OK finally got my internet back after a bad storm at the weekend, so have been surviving on limited mobile access to the forum - just what I wanted after the server crash !!

So, I planned to look into using OBS and Streamyard for this here bash and have just confirmed its pretty much the same set up as Zoom, should any be planning on using it.
I’ll let this geezer go over the basics but the Streamyard settings are confirmed at the 5:45 mark.

OBS to Streamyard @ 05:45

Hope you find it useful.

Looking to see if you can check audio and video in isolation before the event, rather than jump in cold. If I find anything I’ll share here,


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I think we managed to run tests in isolations during last streamyard session? Something rings a bell :thinking:


Roll Up.

Roll Up.


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Yes Adi but its 2 1/2 years ago now :exploding_head:

Found this and managed to record both audio and video. Volumes are very low though, using the same levels as the last OM. May need at least 11/10 but will settle for 15/10 :rofl:

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Steamyard? I haven’t been paying attention… Do the audience need this? Is there a post on how this will work. Sorry if it’s in plain sight and I didn’t spot it.



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1] @TheMadman_tobyjenner
2] @Malz
3] @brianlarsen
4] @jestersea
5] @dobleA
6] @Rod58
7] @adi_mrok
8] @TheCluelessLuthier
9] @Notter
10] @Charlie_James
11] @Traveler
12] @DonnatheDead (pending eligibility)
13] @John_in_Dot

1] @SocratesDiedTrolling
2] @iainism
3] @Rossco01
4] @sherlock3083
5] @glpguitar
6] @Durquhart
7] @philsmith
8] @roger_holland
9] @Willsie01
10] @andyPlays
11] @Nancy15
12] @sairfingers
13] @JasonBuk
14] @Helen0609
15] @sclay
16] @Karende
17] @batwoman
18] @arisi
19] @Baz_A
20] @AZSandy
21] @TRJ
22] @clandev
23] @GrytPipe
24] @pkboo3
25] @Dman74
26] @twistor59
27] @MadModMcd



All anyone should need is the invitation link, which I suspect will be published/circulated in due course. Performers may want to verify levels etc ahead of the event, as we do for the OMs. My posts above reflect that need, so I don’t think you need to worry about anything.


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