JGC Xmas Bash 2022 - Livestream No.2

Stacy there is no limit to audience capacity, only performers are limited :slight_smile:


I would love to be a part of the audience, sounds like it would be fun to watch.

Will it be hosted on YouTube?

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For the minute - yes :slight_smile:

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I would love to be in the audience please :grinning:

If for some reason additional performer slots open up, I would be happy to fill in, but there are a lot of great seasoned players signed up already, so I’m happy to watch this time. I’ve been out it town for the last week, so I’m just catching up on stuff here.


@Jenndye429 I’ve added your name to the audience roster, Jennifer.

David … I already added Jenny to the expression of interest to perform list.

Thanks Richard, missed that.


I’d like to join the audience if it’s not too late to sign up! Thank you


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Audience please, if I’ve not left it too late :crossed_fingers:

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The performer cut off is imminent.

The audience cut off is not today, you can ask to join the audience upto the event itself.

A like to your request from me means you are added … and you should also get a notification of being tagged in the list.

If in doubt, check post 1 above.



I’d like to join the audience. Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

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Audience please !

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Hi all.

Time is now up for expressions of interest to be a performer.

Thank you to all of:

1] @TheMadman_tobyjenner
2] @Malz
3] @brianlarsen
4] @jestersea
5] @dobleA
6] @Rod58
7] @adi_mrok
8] @TheCluelessLuthier
9] @Notter
10] @Charlie_James
11] @Traveler
12] @DonnatheDead
13] @John_in_Dot
14] Trent c/o @tsblack
15] @Jenndye429

We have 15 names and had predetermined a limit of 12. Several of the 15 people have generously offered to step back and allow others the opportunity if needed. I will consult behind the scenes and make a final announcement asap.

In the mean time could I ask all 15 if you would please get your thinking caps on in anticipation that you may be chosen and asked to write a short bio for Justin to use when introducing you.

Justin would like:

  • Your location (where in the world)
  • The song / tune you will be performing
  • A brief bio (50 words or less) giving a little of your back story re: learning and playing guitar.




Aw, I’d have loved an audience seat, but we’re out at a gig. Will there be anywhere to catch up with the fun?

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Well I’ve never attended any of these open mics. Though, I’ve watched quite a few and gave my feedback on the forum. So it’s about time I attended one. @adi_mrok this is not a gateway into performing in an OM yet :wink:


Hi! I’d like to join you from Washington, DC.

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Out of curiosity, will anything be different about this open mic resulting from using ‘Streamyard’. Other than having Justin as the host am I correct this is just a additional open mic in addition to the monthly ones we have been having? Looking forward to learning the final 12 (Unfortunately I don’t have to worry about the open mic interfering with required World Cup Viewing)

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James baby steps as they call it, good to see you are slowly getting the courage to step in! :grinning:


John in answer to your question, this is entirely separate from the JGC Open Mic, which will resume in January with OM 13/XIII - I will issue the CFI after this event and dates for 2023.

Without going into too much details there are some differences between the Streamyard and Zoom experience on the night. You can see Justin’s first here The JustinGuitar Show

Hope that help, see you in a week.


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Hi Brian, You’re probably already busy canceling words,… :roll_eyes::joy:


Hi Richard, How do we send the intro? Do we send the intro to you?

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1] @TheMadman_tobyjenner
2] @Malz
3] @brianlarsen
4] @jestersea
5] @dobleA
6] @Rod58
7] @adi_mrok
8] @TheCluelessLuthier
9] @Notter
10] @Charlie_James
11] @Traveler
12] @DonnatheDead
13] @John_in_Dot
14] Trent c/o @tsblack
15] @Jenndye429

Please direct message me with your bios.

Please write a short bio for Justin to use when introducing you.

Justin would like:

  • Your location (where in the world)
  • The song / tune you will be performing
  • A brief bio (50 words or less) giving a little of your back story re: learning and playing guitar.

I hope that we can maybe accommodate all requests to perform.
When the cut-off limit of 12 was decided upon, we perhaps anticipated the numbers would be much greater.
15 performer slots within the allocated time could work.
I will announce asap.



Please direct message me with your bios.