JokuMuu's Learning Log

@roger_holland What a fantastic cover. Thanks for sharing :slightly_smiling_face:

Hmm… Now I will have to search your ode to Brian that James mentions from the depth of the forum … :wink:

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face: Will do. I recently downloaded Justin’s time trainer and it could really be fun practicing that with increasing BPM

I remember when I saw the Stones live in 2003, I was mainly waiting for Keith to sing. So yes, I will definitely check :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you so much for checking that carefully, Silvia. There might have been something, but actually I’m not sure… I put it down to the summer weather and not having drunk enough water or so. I have to pay more attention to it :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s so good to be back. But I have sad that already, haven’t I? :dizzy:


Wot no candy? What about your Chocolate Jesus eh? “Green Onions” for you next then.

Joking aside, things can often sound a lot more complicated than they are to play…


Ha…, we have those at home. Not many remaining anymore… ( Good song, btw., knew it bit didn’t remember the name).

Chocolate Jesus. Hmm … That’s dark chocolate and supposed to be good for me :chocolate_bar:

Jimmy Page. When I saw him live playing with Robert Plant in 1995 as Page & Plant, he was drooling while playing. The drooling part I can manage already now ( well, at least when I’m sleeping :sleeping:), that’s surely a sign that there might be a Led Zeppelin song waiting for me sometime somewhere in the future.

The blues lick link… I can’t wait to try those slides. Printed the tab. Downloaded the guitar pro file and Guitar Pro mobile.
One week still then it’s summer vacation time. I will turn to this then as a special treat sometimes, without any expectations, fully aware that I most probably won’t succeed. Just a sneak peak of what will be ahead.

Now… Where are those onions? :onion:

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Noo No no don`t do that :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: … there is a good reason this is far away :grin:

for a good laugh fine…for serious musical meaning…no no and no

Greetings …O o :wavy_dash: :wavy_dash: :wheelchair: back to the "party"here :blush:


One day sooner or later… I will accidentally stumble upon it :face_with_monocle:

Enjoy your party :tada::partying_face::tada:

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You never know what you will stumble upon here :see_no_evil: That reminds me it’s not long until it’s Rogier’s birthday.

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Oooo James … leave the woman in ignorance :grin: you

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The woman does not have time to go looking for it as she is busy practising :smiley: Now you on the other hand my friend should re-read the third bullet point on Brian’s response and treat the woman to a vocal performance of Broken Cowboy :pleading_face:


The woman is indeed trying to concentrate on kitschy hair metal songs about thorny flowers… :rose:

Seriously though @roger_holland Roger, that was very, very far from terrible. You can sing much better than you think :slightly_smiling_face:


Mmm you let me read it again indeed …
and I have to admit that the comment from brian could lead to me to a maybe, or a but then I will uh yes, but how and when …well maybe a sweet home Nijkerk uhhh or Chicaco…

Now sssst i got to go back to the peeps in the garden :see_no_evil:

they are not there for me (this is now at the garden next to us)and so my presence is not necessarily wanted, and it stinks of burnt carcasses :see_no_evil:



It’s definitely good to reflect every now and again on progress, what’s going well and what isn’t. I think it can keep us honest and avoid getting stuck in a rut. Perhaps there’s a song that’s just taking too long to learn, maybe it’s time to park it for another day (speaking from my own experience here) or perhaps there’s a song that’s already good enough already (again one of mine).
I agree with what others have said about crib sheets and recording… I think it’s perfectly reasonable to have them around. You’re right that if you’ve truly mastered a song you won’t need them but I think it might be a very long time before I can say that about any song! What I’ve noticed is my concentration is really bad and I lose track of my place in songs really often, missing changes in a chord sequence or just playing the wrong section of a song. I do attempt to play songs without cues so I gradually reduce my reliance on them.

When it comes to smaller guitars… Taylor GS Mini, job done! My main guitar is a Taylor Grand Theatre which is the next size up, still a small guitar, really easy to play but less easy on the bank balance (all solid wood and made in USA), so it depends how wealthy you’re feeling as to whether I’d recommend one!

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Let’s see…as I said there is no rush with a new guitar at the moment :slightly_smiling_face: I might visit some guitar store during my vacation but only to browse and test :slightly_smiling_face:

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Rogier, do I have to get worried? What is (was) happening? Someone barbecued something strange?

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We call that meat cremating instead of BBQing :grimacing:

I believe they are ready now :sweat_smile:


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Someone barbecued one of those guys in one piece?

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Lovely pic …
That BBQ in these times is sometimes quite difficult as a vegetarian who has become one because of the love for all animals… and then most people can’t do it well… :see_no_evil:


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Something very significant happened. Silly though it surely is :grinning: :dizzy: :tada:

Lately I started working from home two days per week and it seems there are benefits to that…

Grabbed my Gretsch in my coffee break … :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

Fretted F-barre. Played the finger picking pattern that I need for the Element of Crime song that I’m working on… And not a single string snarred. Not a single one.

Deadline for being able play this song with finger picking and smooth timely changes to and from F-barre is thus 29.7.25 :spiral_calendar:


Sounds great, Nicole!

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That’s something to be aware of Nicole…isn’t guitar learning so much about self-awareness? To me it was very helpful to closely obeserve fingerpicking hands, Justin’s first and then more and more from the Classical Guitar world as that happened to be the style I found myself in love to. Observing the pros and try to imitate is a great thing to do.

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Anyone said BBQ?! :yum:
Rogier do you eat fish? Ah well…they’re animals as well!

Most people except my husband …it might make you change your mind :wink:

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