July Thread: June is a Comin'; Dana Lyons (cover); This Is (Aslan cover)

I know, I know, I’m supposed to be practicing for next week’s livestream, but after playing Cows with Guns at last the last OM, I had a hankering to learn another Dana Lyons song.
I love the mix of beauty and hardship in this poignant song.
(Also, sharing this now removes the possibility of me chickening out and performing it instead of the ‘edgier’ one I have planned for next week :laughing:)
It’s a bit rough ‘n’ ready, but I hope you enjoy :smiley:

What’s wrong with me? Yet another distraction :roll_eyes:
Last month, Christy Dignam the lead singer of Dublin band, Aslan, died from cancer.
Although the band never achieved the international success of some of their Celtic stablemates, they were a solid fixture of the Irish music scene for decades. Christy had a tough life suffering sexual abuse as a child and struggling with heroin addiction as an adult.

I started learning my favourite Aslan song after he died but struggled figuring out a strumming pattern and programming a backing track. It took me a while to get the phrasing to an acceptable level.
I had to record it today to get it out of my head and move on.
Well worth checking out the original here after listening to my effort!
RIP Christy


I needed this in my life today, thank you Brian. I know, the lyrics are melancholic, but you really made me smile :slightly_smiling_face:

Mindful listening and all … I love the seagulls’ call at the end. Which might not be coincidence, I presume… And, yes, no seagulls on our yard at work right now :dodo:

Bravo @brianlarsen another very enjoyable song…and a reminder I need to listen to your cow song! (how high are you strumming up that guitar neck :open_mouth:)

Not that rough ‘n’ ready Brian and I certainly did enjoy!!
:+1: :clap:

I should be so rough and ready, Brian :wink:

Loved the strumming rhythm, kind of rolls along in that folky sort of lilt that just seems a bridge too far whenever I want to sound a little like that.

Look forward to the edgier one to come :laughing:

Nowt shabby about that sir. Rough n ready I think not. What a lovely jolly tune and well sung as always. I was going to ask who June was but thought better of it. Now git ye sen practicing for the 'stream lad.


You didn’t look that rough and ready, Brian. Another well played and sung song. I’ve still got cows with guns playing in my head. Good luck with the livestream though we all know you don’t need it.

The one after April and May. Honestly, the boy goes through them on a monthly basis :roll_eyes:

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Hello Brian, it’s good to see you’re recovering well and back to your guitar with the energy and focus it requires. This sounds really lovely and a beautiful song I didn’t know…:thinking: …hell I pretty much ignore the existence of most of the songs posted here :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:
I’m sure I already told you once, you might like that I repeat it, I really like your strumming style using your fingers in that way, I found it both looks and sounds nicely peculiar and good :blush::blush::blush:

Who not when. It was on seeing the title. :wink:

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@JokuMuu Thank you Nicole. Making folk smile is one of the great things in life :smiley:
I’m afraid I have become immune to the sound of seagulls… Living beside the sea means they are a constant background noise :roll_eyes:

@Rossco01 Cheers, mate :smiley:
Haha, yes, I think that’s a combination of laziness- not having the nut so far away (to make barre chords easier to reach), as well as habit from playing lying down on the couch.
Having said that, I don’t think it makes much difference to the tone and my rudimentary physics knowledge tells me that no matter where you pluck the string the widest point of amplitude is in the centre. The pups only detect metal moving in a magnetic field, not sound waves, so I might even be more effective playing thus :rofl:

@Notter Well maybe not that rough, but would benefit from a bit of Brasso :wink:

@DavidP Generous as always Mr. P. :smiley: You see beauty spots where others see warts :wink:

@TheMadman_tobyjenner Merci, mon ami :smiley:
Yer a dirty old man!
OK, Bob’s on the job :laughing:

@Socio Cheers James :smiley:
We all need a bit of luck in this life… How do you think I made it this far? :laughing:
You’re as bad as the Mad One. He knows, @TheMadman_tobyjenner . He knows… :roll_eyes:

@SILVIA Mille grazie :smiley: Every day a little better… Yay!
Regarding my song choices- as I too have stated before: I like to learn songs that I love, but that I think others may not know. It spreads the joy, and simultaneously stops people from knowing that’s not what they were supposed to sound like :rofl:
I’ve always preferred playing with my fingertips rather than a pick, although I did start trying to get used to it a couple of months ago. I’m sure I’ll give it another whirl soon


Just by being yourself mate :wink:

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A most enjoyable performance Brian. Ready and not at all rough. I enjoy a ‘story’ song and that one fitted the bill. Well played and sung and your fingertip strum style worked well for this song. As for the widest point of amplitude, well you’ve got me there. :woozy_face: When you bring out your album of lesser known songs that phrase would make a great album title. :joy:

We’ve had cows with guns (which I thought was great btw), this time it’s salmon fishing. Can’t wait to hear your edgier one for the livestream thing! Sticking with the animal/fish theme I’m looking forward to three legged coyote. :smiley:

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I know, the reason why I tell you and I don’t tell others is because it makes me feel less ignorant :joy:

That little wicked thing called “pick”… I just found the right strategy: over observing Justin’s hand when he strums :face_with_monocle::sunglasses::nerd_face::smile: I’m gonna make it this time :sweat_smile::joy:

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Ah! That was just what I needed today! :hugs: Thoroughly enjoyable, Brian! :clap: :smiley: Thanks for sharing that one with us despite it delaying your livestream prep :wink:

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They are way too common here as well, yes. Annoying little… hmm …got to stick to inoffensive wording in community posts… birds.

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Hi Brian,
What a wonderfully cheerful tune. :clap: :bouquet: :sunglasses: Played in a relaxed way and a good choice without a pick this time and also wonderfully sung… it made me happy
although I can still see the traces of the operation on your face,but a big plus compared to post-surgery photos… good luck the coming weeks a :kissing_heart: in the right place … good to see that you are busy again with this stuff :sunglasses:

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@sairfingers Haha, I thought you might enjoy that one, Gordon.
Obscurity aside, I’m a sucker for songs that tell a good yarn. The Man in Black does it well and I even like some of those Kenny Rogers tales :laughing:
I’m afraid the Livestream is unlikely to float yer boat, but you might get some slagging mileage out of it :rofl:

@nzmetal Yeah, you Kiwis need depression alright! :rofl: Ta for the :+1:

Ah Rogier is back… Happy to make you happy :smiley: and thank you for the compliment.

Actually, it was my hip they operated on :rofl:


now there is tea on my shorts and ground…annoying :woozy_face:

and funny :smile:


It was more an enquiry into who was arriving sir, based on the title. That was before I heard it was a calendar song. You cast aspersions on my caricature. :scream:


Now you have just put this calendar song in my head with that sentence, so I feel it is only right to share the burden with you sir :crazy_face:

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