Just play something

Everyone is walking out, so you think: I know A D E, distort it, fill it, and be energetic… not the regular roofie


Looks like your having a great time Robert.
Rock on man!

I dig your feedback at the end. Get down man! Cooool…

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That’s great Robert. As such a lovely Cream Crossroads vibe in my ears. Superb riffage. What an awesome ending!

The recording seemed to come though only in my left channel, so perhaps check that out.


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Thx DavidP !
I’m so isolayed a response makes my day!!
You wouldn’t believe my equipment. From all I’ve read, it’s just pure throwaway. But because I follow the Justin trail of learning, I think it was of merit.
Guitar: Epiphone Special Model 1997.
Amp: that horrible Line 6 Spider III 15.
Production: android phone place in front of me, sideways from the amp and 15 feet away; me on a couch.
All for fun. And thanks again for commenting!!! Cheers to you!

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Hey HappyCat! Thx for responding. Im desparate for input. I typed to DavidP my set up, so I hope you can read that.

As far as cats, I was house sitting which included four cats. 3 females: Tunafish, Angelfish, and Mahi. Tuna is an inside cat and if you enter without permisson, you will lose parts of your body. Angel is socialable, loves people and will go for a walk with you. Mahi is only seen for a second or two, but has a beautiful coat. Then #4 is Marlin the boy. Big, fat, loves all and always hungry. A real happy cat! Thought you might like a yarn on some house cats. Cheers!

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Left channel was overwhelmed for sure because of my sideways placement. Thanks for that detail for me to remember. Everthing matters.

I don’t know your gear Robert. But I wouldn’t be to down on it. I like Epiphone guitars myself. 2 of my 5 guitars are Epiphones (1 elec., 1 acoustic). imho, ya get a pretty good bang for your buck with Epiphones even and I’ve grown to respect them.

I don’t know your amp so no comment on that. Just be careful. I wasn’t happy with my amp either in the beginning. Three amps later I finally find the tone I think I want. I started w/ a $200 amp, then a $400 amp, then a $1100 amp. So I’m thinking it’s kinda a rabbit hole. There’s always something better.

I also note that while I kept chasing a better sounding (to me) amp, the new to me gear didn’t make me play any better than I played on whatever my previous amp was.
Now a days when I think I must need new gear. I think of a video I saw that a fella is playing a $30 hello kitty acoustic guitar. Great guitar playing made that $30 guitar sound great. I found that very interesting and actually a eye opener for my own GAS. Great gear won’t make me any better player than cheaper gear.
fwiw. At this point for me, I’ve been successful in getting them three amps. I really do like all of them. They are all different and I play all three though the course of any week of playing. If I had to keep only one of them it’d probably be the $200 amp. It sounds good and has the most features. That amp is a used peavey bandit (red stripe). It was the best bang for my buck.

Thanks for the cat story too. Good job helping out with them in your house sitting duties. Love your description of ea. cat. Cats can be most unique from ea. other and the ones your taking care of sound great. Especially Tuna, that comment made me laugh. I’ve had cats like that. I just take it as a challenge to see if I can keep from being swiped into bleeding. Generally I’m not successful :wink: . To me, it’s just cats. They have a mind of there own I think. I love watching cat behavior. The puurfect animal imho…

Keep on rockin man. Maybe make some more videos? I enjoyed this one… :slight_smile:

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A cat that is just good with it all

So very thankful for your take and conversation…

Many days have passed, but if you know me, time is fleet.

Please send your thoughts again.

Im still workin
Id like to share

Crazy stuff: my sons here goes: