Hello Community, this is the first part of how I’m arranging my Let it be. I worked out this fingerpicking pattern to kind of emulate the piano - I haven’t looked for the specific correct single notes because I simply can’t, but I’m quite happy nevertheless I’m also trying to work on dynamics and I was thinking to let it grow into strumming in the middle of the instrumental part when the electric guitar solo starts - not sure it’ll work…I can’t say yet because as you can see my attention flies away easily and I always get stuck before getting to that point
A good laugh at my mistakes usually works better than swearing!
Thank you all in advance for any feedback
Fantastic share Silvia, it’s great to see works in progress because it confirms our own individual experiences!!
Having said that, it looks like you’ve put quite some time into this already because that sounded great, even when things went a little bit wonky at the end. Even more so when you say you’ve not looked for specific “correct” notes yet, they all sounded right on my side.
I can’t honestly offer any advice as my own fingerstyle experience is not where you are at, but I will say I will look forward to when this is no longer a work in progress, it’s going to be special
Very nicely played and sung Silvia. I am always impressed when people can sing and play fingerstyle as it is something I cannot do yet . I am glad I checked out your post as it was lovely to listen to. Looking forward to the the finished version from you.
That was beautiful Silvia , I loved that you gave yourself a pep talk at the very beginning
looking forward to hearing the final cut
Well done Sylvia, all was great until you cracked up , don’t worry about it, just carry on working at it and all will be good!
This sounded great Silvia! You can tell you’ve practiced this quite a bit as you sounded really good. Also looked like you were having fun which is super important.
That was really soothing to my ears Silvia, very fine arrangement and I enjoyed it a lot, especially the hickups as they made it even more real all the best and keep up the good work!
That sound wonderful Sylvia. And your right, laughing is always better. It shows that you are enjoying the journey!
Sounded awesome Sylvia! I look forward to hearing you add all your own suggestions into a future version. The fun your having playing really shone through on that post.
I thought that was great. The Beatles songs are ones I love to play, but I’ve never recorded myself playing them.
Already a great listen, Silvia. I enjoyed your arrangement, irrespective as to whether some of the melody notes are ‘correct’, all sounded good to me.
Also sounded like you have the verse and chorus down from a playing perspective, so just a matter of more practice to play through the whole song. I have no idea if it has a bridge section with vocals to add.
Perhaps for the solo you could play that rather than strummed chords? Not sure what level of difficulty that solo may be to firstly transcribe and then to play. But I am sure it would sound good acoustically.
Now, your performances are lovely, both playing and singing, all I’d now like to make my joy absolute would be for you to sit further back from the camera so I can see your face and the guitar.
Look forward to the next share of the song.
Well done Sylvia that sounded great. You are coming along well with the fingerstyle. Over the past few months I have grown to really appreciate fingerstyle and it’s been a pleasure watching your posts. I would agree with @DavidP the solo would be better played as a fingerstyle arrangement rather than strumming and does sound good acoustically. The solo does have a lot of bends in it but it’s your fingerstyle arrangement so it doesn’t have to be played exactly like George Harrison, its your acoustic interpretation. It might be worth having a look at the arrangements done by Joe Robinson and Gareth Evans on YouTube for some inspiration on approaching the solo. Good luck and look forward to following your progress with this classic song.
That was very enjoyable. Very good work and not easy to do. I’m beginning to dabble in fingerpicking and know how tough it is.
I particularly loved your little missteps and your subsequent little giggles. I could sure learn from you. I usually throw something at the wall.
I thought that was very good, even if you did crack up at the end. Look forward to the completed version.
Thanks to you all for such nice feedback!!
@Notter I also like works in progress as it’s when you realise that it’s not like “the others are all so gifted and can do amazing performances and me I do struggle and I can’t record one single whole song”…we all struggle and enjoy and build our little successes day by day with consistent “work”.
@alexisduprey @Notter yes, I’ve already practiced this quite a bit…to tell the truth this was one of the first song I learnt to strum along with the Beginner App last year; I started focusing on it this month, right after Hallelujah, memorising the chord sequence and lyrics and working out the fingerpicking through mindful listening to the original.
@Scottio72 having fun is more important than anything else,isn’t it? I agree with @TheCluelessLuthier
@Eddie_09 it works like for the strumming patterns, they need to be automated and to do that with fingerstyle I find that once you can do the pattern slowly and nicely without tension it works not to look at the fingers anymore and when they hit the wrong string let them go to the right string without looking, it requires a lot of repetition and mistakes are good opportunities as the fingers learn to find their way on their own @MiJoy you might try this too and…what about that impulsive desire to throw the Metronome out of the window?!
@Nancy15 my usual pep talk is “Breath Silvi breath!!” but also “I can do it!” Now, it’s really useful!!!
@mikemycroft recording is a great tool for us to self-assess our work, you’re new to the Community but you’ll soon see how inspiring it is to record and share here with so many supportive people! It doesn’t have to be perfect or anything…
@DavidP and @Socio you guys need to wait for a complete reply because your suggestions are soo tempting! In the meanwhile my heartfelt thank you for your kind feedbacks!
@adi_mrok @DarrellW @skinnyt thanks guys for your kind feedbacks, it really means a lot and makes me even more eager to keep on working on it
You have a good voice, the chord changes were good and the Fingerstyle was good too.
I noticed that in fingering some chords, especially the ones shaped like a power/bar chord, you are dragging down usually the bigger string. It’s not that big of a bend down, so it’s all good, but it can cause that note to sound a little bit off, so i think that it’s a habit to potentially be aware of.
I think that when you’ll finish the song it will sound beautiful, because overall you are doing already very good.
That was great Silvia, as a ‘work in progress’ should be very happy with that. The vocals too were beautiful, well done.
Thank you Alessandro, I did a zoom on my fretting hand: what you say happens especially on the G chord, maybe it’s because it’s the first barre of the sequence and in trying to make sure to have a solid grip I apply too much strenght. Thanks for pointing it out, I hadn’t noticed!
Thank you for listening and the positive feedback, I’m actually quite happy with that…now it’ll take some more practice and time to have the whole thing down