L'italiano - Ukulele

Hi friends…as I’m having much fun learning a few old italian songs on the Uke to play for my daddy, I thought I’d share this one, which I’m sure you’ll know.
Just in case you’re wondering…no I haven’t been drinking wine :speak_no_evil: singing this tune just makes me :joy::joy::joy: I don’t know if it’s those low notes that I I struggle to hit or singing out loud things like “I’m an italian, a REAL italian!” with that much patriotic pride that I’m afraid I don’t have :see_no_evil:
Anyway I hope it won’t be too much disturbing to your ears and that it’ ll bring a smile into your day. Cheers! :blush:


Hi Silvia,
Ha ha ha, :partying_face: :joy: This is THE Italian song for me, I am right back in my beloved country, And for this they invented the Uke… a very happy sound and a big smile…

That’s a big plus if you ask me and suits you :sunglasses:

Your Daddy will be smiling to :smiley:

You make my day :sunglasses:


Ps :Who needs wine when you have a uke at hand. :partying_face:

Uhh maybe some grumpy bystanders :joy:

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You had me singing along in a mix of Italian and Finnish version :smiley: :nerd_face:

It sounded so cheerful and your strumming rhythm was great. It sounded bit difficult to sing… maybe just a tad too low for you. And, no you didn’t sound drunk :smiley:

Stupid question maybe… Are there capos for Ukes?

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That was lovely Silvia, big smile on my face. :smiley:

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More heartwarming than any vino! Excellente!


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Well that was wonderful Sylvia, and it shows that playing music can make one even happier than wine! My last name is the very Irish Feeney but my mother’s heritage was Italian - her maiden name was Gualtieri. Do you have a song for Irish-Italians? :wink:

Silvia, you made me smile, a big, fat and happy smile! :smiley:

I love that song, one of my all time favorites, I just had to sing along (and I know that struggle with that super low register here all to well :sweat_smile:) and it is even better with an Ukulele! The joy you had while playing and singing was immediately swapping over to me, too. Great, cheerful performance, your dad will like it, too. :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing and brightening my day with that one! Grazie mille! :slight_smile:

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Great Silvia :exclamation: Your music is great and your enthusiasm contagious. :pray:

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How could you not enjoy watching someone enjoy making music so much. :clap::grin:

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That was fun, as a fellow Ukulele player I understand the fun factor with them and you were definitely having fun with that! I didn’t have much of a clue what it was about but that doesn’t matter at all, the sound of a Uke and a smiley face says it all! Well done, your Papa should have been smiling too, carry on with it, it’s a fun instrument!

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Silvia, that was an enjoyable listen! You’ve transported so much passion and joy, you made my not so happy day yesterday! Your daddy will be very satisfied.
Thank you for taking me to Italy for a few minutes! In a few weeks, I’ll be travelling to your wonderful country again, can’t wait!

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100% fun and enjoyment factor! Well done Sylvia.
I’ve been threatening to buy myself a uke for a long time and you’ve rekindled the fire. :smiley:

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Love that song!
We talked about it in the “songs in other languages”

I’m Belgian but in an alternate Universe I was Italian :wink:
Espresso addict, pasta lover, Squadra Azzurri supporter since 1990. I went to Napoli many times when I worked for a coffee roasting plant. I even run a fanpage on Facebook for Dutch speaking supporters. Nevertheless I’m learning Italians since April and I love it so far.

This song is high on my to-do list.
Love how it, without pretention, mixes proudness and stereotypes into one song AND breathes the Italian “brilliance on the basics” :wink:
The uke works great on this!

I’ve got the feeling you might want to transpose 1,2 or even 3 or 4 steps higher to fit your voice better?

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That’s what matters :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: thank you all for listening, I’m very happy you enjoyed it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

:sunglasses::sweat_smile: thank you Nicole!

Yes, I found out some on the internet and I’m going to buy one. I tried to put my acoustic guitar capo on the Uke but it made impossible for me to fret the E7 chord…with capo on 2nd fret I was a bit more comfortable with my voice.

Do buy one Gordon! This one was about 80€ I think and never gets out of tune too much…


@Boris1565 @beejay56 @BigLuc @TheCluelessLuthier thank you guys…I’m very happy you enjoyed it :grin::blush::smiley:

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Yes…this one is for you: Ireland sky…just let me get to the 16th notes strumming properly and…

Thank you Michael for listening and your positive feedback!

Andrea I hope today is better than yesterday :crossed_fingers: and I wish you and @roger_holland a wonderful stay. Where are you heading to? I guess Rogier you’re reaching your mum in Levico Terme? Thank you for your positive feedbacks, they made me smile :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Yippee, I’m going on holiday :partying_face:… oh wait it was a guess :grimacing:… No YOU bring me back to the holiday atmosphere :partying_face: and I thought of the dozens of times that I, as one of the 2 Dutch people heard this among 40 Italians and try to “sing” this song …or shout probably :blush:…I should look it up but i think the last time in Italy was 9 or 10 years ago. Since then I have only been on holiday once and that was half an hour away from here last year and 4 days…but a new, much bigger and better car now…maybe a slightly improving back…so who knows and then Germany or Belgium will be the first to try out or the Limburg hills :sunglasses:

Saluti E grazie bella ragazza :sunny:

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Thank you Silvia for such a thoughtful reply. This is the sweet Irish song I’m going to play for my grandson at his third birthday next month.

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Delightful, Silvia, love the joy. Your recordings are always so joyful. Its inspirational and a reminder to love the music and not get too serious about it as we continue to learn and improve.

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