LizW - November 2022 - Suzanne Vega (Marlene on the Wall x2)

I really just need someone to pay with so we can take a part each.
I don’t enjoy the technology bit, I just want to play :joy:


Well that is the more fun option, Liz.

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That was a nice little solo Liz. The bends sounded good but I’ve not got to them yet so it’s only my ears opinion. :smiley:

A great start to a project. I’m looking forward to seeing the completed thing.


Hi Liz. It sounded good to me, but I’m not too much into bending yet.

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Nice bit of lead. There are easy ways to play over something else, you could just record the rhythm track and then play it, find a backing track or use a looper. I reckon lead guitar needs a backing to sound it’s best.


Just did a quick recording of the song that goes with the solo for those that don’t know it. Missed solo out obviously. Also not always nailing that pesky Bm7 bar chord yet but you’ll get the idea and I’m sure you’d recognise the song if you know it.


Nice job Liz. Smooth playing and your vocals really suited the song. Thumbs up :+1: from me!

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Great stuff Liz really well played. Vox absolutely on point as usual and I agree with Eddie the song fitted your vocals nicely but I suspect you could pretty much adapt to any style of singing, based on previous posts.

It will be a nice developer for you with regards to the solo. Well done.


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Thanks that’s very kind!

I’m surprised and pleased you remember me. Yeah, you’re right I’ll pretty much sing anything. Just been doing my Kurt Cobain when doing Lithium :joy::joy:

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Now if you did Amy Lee’s Lithium …

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That was great, Liz, doing great on both playing and singing.

My only suggestion would be to figure out a way to get the phone lifted up to be more level with maybe your mouth, or perhaps a point somewhere between mouth and top of the guitar. I think that will deliver a more even balanced level across guitar and vocal.

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I listened to your solo part too on the other post. Well done, this is a great project. Well played and sung on this one.

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or this ?




Nicely done Liz.
I definitely remember the song - Suzanne Vega released some fine records.

My one suggestion for this and all songs is to develop a constant motion in your strumming arm. Down Up Down Up Down Up keep it moving Down Up Down Up etc.
When a song like this has a choppy stop / start strumming you want to aim to keep the swinging of your arm as a measure for the beat even though your pick is not striking the strings, merely passing across the top.
I hope that helps.
:slight_smile: RIchard

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Hi Liz,

Quality vocal.
Not heard this song in ages - thought you pulled it off well.


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That was super sweet Liz. Great song and loving your stripped back version of it. Playing and vocals were great.

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That was great Liz I remember this song well. Suzanne Vega is still touring she played Scotland in July this year I didn’t make the gig but my daughter did and said she was fab! I really enjoyed this :grinning:

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Aw thanks, yes I saw she did a tour this year :slightly_smiling_face:

Nicely done, Liz. I’m not familiar with the song or the artist, but well played and sang. I always enjoy your performances.

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