Hey everyone!
The kinds of songs that got me into guitar playing were slow tempo songs. It’s only 1 month since i started on the Justin guitar beginner course, so far I’ve learned the above mentioned 4 chords A,D,E,Em - can change more than 50+ across all of them. I am able to play these strumming patterns without breaking - 1,2,3&,4 ; Old faithful. But I am unable to find songs which i love or relate to within the spectrum of what I know.
Another problem I am facing is for certain songs - when i try to play them naturally, the words and the singing dictates my strum pattern and it gets a bit uneven between the verses + choruses - Last Thing On My Mind from Inside Llweyn Davis is one such song - need some guidance if that is the right or the wrong way to do it…
Hi Akshansh,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun
If you click on songs, then left you can enter the chords that you want in a song under chord … and then search …
A suggestion from me of super slow with A -A7 (possible without) - D -E, from
Love Rescue Me Chords by U2 (the first on video for me after a few hours of playing…very very very bad in every way … don`t do that
Let us hear it if you have learned a song over a while (or very quickly) if you like it …
Have a nice time ,
What Roger said. Here is a list from Justin’s song page:
Playing and singing at the same time is not easy! You shouldn’t expect to be able to do it at your early stage of guitar playing. Justin has a lesson on it:
but you can see it’s for more advanced players. Good luck!
Hi Akshanash, and welcome to the community .
As others have already said, you can make use of the search-per-chord-function of Justin’s website or his song app (in case you’re using it). You’ll find some songs that meet your taste .
Regarding playing and singing simultaniously: that really IS a challenge. And some songs are more difficult to sing along than others. John @jjw has already posted the link of Justin’s video lesson on this topic. It’s really helpful.
For me, singing was an important part of my guitar journey right from the beginning. So, I know from my own experience that doing both at the same time, doesn’t come easily. I always focus on the playing first. And only after I feel quite confident with that, I start adding the vox to it. Sometimes, it takes me months before I feel happy with a song. So be prepared of putting some extra time in it, when you want to sing as well .
I wish you lots of fun with your song projects .
You probably dont need to use the filter search thingo as Justin has compiled a list of songs here:
Songs that use A, D, E
Sings that use A,D,E, Am, Em
Worth reading the comments as there are some good user suggestions as well. If you are looking for stuff outside of mainstream western pop music then you will probably need to go beyond this site.
Thanks everyone!
Really appreciate all the detailed replies Yes I have gone through the song library - Love Me Do seems to be the only one i personally like that fits my skills so far but for me even its tempo is like 148 BPM. I am currently trying to learn it at around 80-100 BPM. I guess I was too early asking my question - any recommendations for slow tempo songs - or is there an online database when beginners can find songs with tempo…
And hopefully within a week or so I can muster up the courage to post a video of being able to play them - if not sing along
Thanks again for welcoming me to the community <3