Mac's learning log

Day 205 / 40 weeks streak :

Trained on finger stretches and crawling as a warm up + I played everybody hurts by REM

Challenge of the week : Perfect by Ed Sheeran level 4 basic melody

I play standing up and each songs are played once with the metronome , once with the backing track :


grade 2 in JG :

module 10

Practiced the F barre chord by trying to include it in the intro of Losing my religion by REM
I did it at full speed and it was a success :partying_face:
Next part will be to do a G to F barre chord

Practiced the La Bamba riff part 3

module 11
Practiced the sus chords

Songs on the Musopia app :

Practiced La Bamba at 137 Bpm and at full speed

Practiced Have you ever seen the rain by CCR in 8th notes

Played The house of the rising sun

Practiced the sus chords with the song Who says by Selena Gomez at full speed

Guitar teacher :

Worked on the A minor pentatonic scale

Did the 3 exercices for legato , fingers independecy and flicks off

Practiced the 3 melodies


Dont touch this !!


Now I have this song stuck in my head :rofl:


Day 206 / 40 weeks streak :

Trained on finger stretches and crawling as a warm up and did the pinky exercise + I played everybody hurts by REM

Challenge of the week : Perfect by Ed Sheeran level 4 basic melody
I felt bad not finishing it so Im still playing it

I play standing up and each songs are played once with the metronome , once with the backing track :


grade 2 in JG :

module 10

Practiced the F barre chord by trying to include it in the intro of Losing my religion by REM
Trying to play the whole song with the F barre chord but still working on G to F

Practiced the La Bamba riff part 3

module 11
Practiced the sus chords with metronome

Songs on the Musopia app :

Practiced La Bamba at full speed

Practiced Have you ever seen the rain by CCR in 8th notes

Played The house of the rising sun

Practiced the sus chords with the song Who says by Selena Gomez at full speed

I needed to play something new so I went back to module 10 and played Hey Ho by the Lumineers

Guitar teacher :

Worked on the A minor pentatonic scale

Did the 3 exercices for legato , fingers independecy and flicks off

Practiced the 3 melodies


Day 207 / 41 weeks streak :

Trained on finger stretches and crawling as a warm up and did the pinky exercise + I played Still got the blues by Gary Moore

Challenge of the week : I tried the metal week , level 2 and 3

I play standing up and each songs are played once with the metronome , once with the backing track :


grade 2 in JG :

module 10

Practiced the F barre chord by trying to include it in the intro of Losing my religion by REM
Trying to play the whole song with the F barre chord but still working on G to F

Practiced the La Bamba riff part 3

module 11
Practiced the sus chords

Songs on the Musopia app :

Practiced La Bamba at full speed

Practiced Have you ever seen the rain by CCR in 8th notes

Played The house of the rising sun

Practiced the sus chords with the song Who says by Selena Gomez at full speed

Played Hey Ho by the Lumineers module 10

Guitar teacher :

Worked on the A minor pentatonic scale

Did 2 exercices for legato , fingers independecy

Practiced the 3 melodies

Wasnt happy with my practice today … eveything was played poorly
My hand must be tired


I cant hold my guitar , too much pain in my arms
so no practice

Ill see if my physiotherapist will help me tomorrow

I have botox injections in the face every 4 months … NOT for beauty reasons !!!
The pain in my jaw causes lots of pain and so my muscles strain a lot
( my temporomandibular articular disk is not in place + hurt the trigemial nerve exit , and that pain triggers cluster headaches crises but thats another story )
to avoid the straining , the injection paralysis the muscles , big relief !!!
But I was at the end of the 4 months and the injections were no more effective , the pain was back in september and the muscles started to strain again
straining also the neck … the shoulders , and the arms !

I had my injections last thursday and i can already feel the difference on my face
but now my shoulders hurts a damn lot … heavy and very tired
So I guess I need some time and some physiotherapy sessions

I dont think that its related to my guitar practice routine at all ^^

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Oh no. Hope you’ll get better soon :rainbow:


Hope you get better soon, Deborah. :four_leaf_clover:

That sounds like horrible pain to suffer. :frowning: Fingers crossed your physiotherapist can work some wonders tomorrow.


Day 208 / 41 weeks streak :

Trained on finger stretches and crawling as a warm up and did the pinky exercise + I played Still got the blues by Gary Moore

Challenge of the week : I tried the metal week , level 2 and 3

I play standing up and each songs are played once with the metronome , once with the backing track :


grade 2 in JG :

module 10

Practiced the F barre chord by trying to include it in the intro of Losing my religion by REM and on the chord trainer

Practiced the La Bamba riff part 3 / DONE I can remove this one

module 11
Practiced the sus chords

Songs on the Musopia app :

Practiced La Bamba at full speed / DONE I can remove this one

Practiced Have you ever seen the rain by CCR with the old faithful

Played The house of the rising sun at a low speed

Practiced the sus chords with the song Who says by Selena Gomez at full speed

Played Hey Ho by the Lumineers module 10 at full speed

Guitar teacher :

Worked on the A minor pentatonic scale with legato

Practiced the 3 melodies

I m better today and I ve been able to practice
the physiotherapist cracked my back ( i heard 3 big cracks ) and it released the tension in my muscles

I m trying to play with the left shoulder more relaxed , it must have been really tensed during the last weeks and I didnt notice it , I must have gripped the neck to tight


Glad you manage to get some improvement and have played today. :+1:

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thanks a lot toby

I went to my guitar lesson this morning
It went very well :slight_smile:

We worked on the melodies he gave me last week , and played it together
Turns out its the intro of Sweet child of mine but there were errors in the tabs thats why I didnt recognize it :sweat_smile:
Now that I know what it is and how it should sounds , working on it will be easier

I showed him the songs I m working on , on the JG app
showed him where I had difficulties and he gave me advices on how to play the songs
I will work on it this week
Its : Have you ever seen the rain and house of the rising sun with this strumming pattern

We played the Am minor pentatonic scale to see how my legato is progressing

This week I must work on playing the C major scale and saying the notes aloud while playing
Its an introduction to talking / sing and playing and learning the notes on the neck
Killing two birds with one stone

I asked him to teach me a christmas song :smiley:
He said , we’ll try Slade next week
its an absolute christmas classic :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree:

In 2 weeks its the All Saints’ holiday , school break for 2 weeks and no guitar lessons
instead theres a jam session with different instruments and singers from the music school
and a jazz introduction jam session
Its awesome and nerve-racking !!! :woozy_face:


Day 209 / 41 weeks streak :

Trained on finger stretches and crawling as a warm up and did the pinky exercise

Challenge of the week : I tried the metal week , level 2 and 3

grade 2 in JG :

module 11
Practiced the sus chords
Practiced the F barre chord on the chord trainer

Songs on the Musopia app :

Practiced Have you ever seen the rain by CCR at a low speed with the new strumming pattern given by my teacher ( module 10 )

Played The house of the rising sun at a low speed with the new strumming pattern given by my teacher ( module 11 )

Practiced the sus chords with the song Who says by Selena Gomez at full speed ( module 11 )

Played Hey Ho by the Lumineers at full speed ( module 10 )

Guitar teacher :

Worked on the A minor pentatonic scale with legato and the alternate strumming

Did the left hand exercices ( legato / fingers independance / flicks off )

Practiced the Sweet child of mine intro

I had lots of different sorts of migraines today …


Day 210 / 41 weeks streak :

Trained on finger stretches and crawling as a warm up and did the pinky exercise

Challenge of the week : I tried the metal week , level 2 and 3

grade 2 in JG :

module 11
Practiced the sus chords
Practiced the F barre chord on the chord trainer

Songs on the Musopia app :

Practiced Have you ever seen the rain by CCR at a low speed with the new strumming pattern given by my teacher ( module 10 )

Played The house of the rising sun at a low speed with the new strumming pattern given by my teacher ( module 11 )

Practiced the sus chords with the song Who says by Selena Gomez at full speed ( module 11 )

Played Hey Ho by the Lumineers at full speed ( module 10 )

Guitar teacher :

Worked on the A minor pentatonic scale with legato and the alternate strumming

Did the left hand exercices ( legato / fingers independance / flicks off )

Practiced the Sweet child of mine intro

same as yesterday , but I practiced with the amp without headphones this time
with and without headphone are completely different


I think with jazz the more wrong notes you play the jazzier you are, so I wouldn’t worry! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


" Im not playing it wrong , its modern jazz " :rofl:


Day 211 / 41 weeks streak :

Trained on finger stretches and crawling as a warm up and did the pinky exercise

New challenge of the week :
What’s up by the 4 non blondes level 2 but I ve alreday played it
I hate myself for loving you by Joan Jett & the blackhearts / basic melody / level 4

grade 2 in JG :

module 11
Practiced the sus chords
I watched the video : Shifting The F
Practiced the F barre chord on the chord trainer and shifted it to fret 5

Songs on the Musopia app :

Practiced Have you ever seen the rain by CCR at a low speed with the new strumming pattern given by my teacher ( module 10 ) at 104 bpm

Played The house of the rising sun at a low speed with the new strumming pattern given by my teacher ( module 11 ) at 96 and 112 bpm
I also tried it at full speed with the strumming pattern given on the app … Its crazy fast !!!
my hand is still resonating :sweat_smile:

Practiced the sus chords with the song Who says by Selena Gomez at full speed ( module 11 )

Played Hey Ho by the Lumineers at full speed ( module 10 )

I tried the spooktacular sounds stuff that appeared on the app , I ended up playing in the air tonight by Phil Collins and had lots of fun playing it

Guitar teacher :

Worked on the A minor pentatonic scale with legato and the alternate strumming

Did the left hand exercices ( legato / fingers independance )

Practiced the Sweet child of mine intro

I read the logs of Constance and Jokumuu and discovered that all we all had the same epiphany this week : we should not grip the neck like we want to strangle it !!!

working on trying to have a lighter touch on the frets but the Selena Gomez song is a nightmare
staying on the same chord for the whole song is terrible for the muscles , the grip tighten because the muscles say : Oh god ! stop it please ! i wanna move !
Just like Jokumuu , I tried Alexei advice and tried to play ( played who says ) without the thumb


I think maybe we get used to gripping the neck as beginners because it’s the only way to get the notes to ring out, but over time, as we’ve practiced our hands have got stronger so there’s no need to grip so hard - but we don’t necessarily realise we’ve got stronger so still grip like when we started out… or at least that’s how see it!

@MacOneill and @ConstanceClaire and perhaps @mattswain as well, seems we are on to something there :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t think it’s as much about stronger fingers as it is about the courage and calmth to stress less, to try to relax and to experiment more. I’m beginning to be slightly surprised how much a bit of mindful “softer touch” practice seems to have helped already (… might well be a placebo, but I’ll take that as well).

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Relaxation is definitely a big part of it… I’m practicing songs with 1/16th note strumming and that basically can’t be done if you’re not relaxed - it’s just impossibly fast if you’re not, and it’s everything, your fingers, your hand, your wrist, your arm, your shoulder and even your face!

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In my case I start to grip like the incredible Hulk when I play Who says … staying on one chord is very difficult for the muscles but @mattswain is right , when the tempo starts to increase , the grip increases too , so trying to relax everything ( the hand , the shoulder , the fingers etc ) is a neccessity
I realised that on House of the rising sun