Been a while since I last posted a chapter in The Madman’s New Diaries so here’s the latest instalment. Handwritten this time I’m afraid.
I have really been struggling to get back into practice and playing, since the family went back to the UK a week ago. In the 5 weeks they’d been over, I’d hardly played at all, apart for a handful of days prepping for OM X and the odd 5 minutes here and there. Virtually nothing.
Starting again or trying to start again I found that some rust had well and truly set in. Finger flexibility had been lost and a few joints were shouting out, asking what the hell I was doing.
A visit to the Community was overwhelming with the volume of posts, as was my Time Boxing Schedule I’d been using Spring and early Summer. I was heading to a lost Mojo moment but it wasn’t the mojo that was missing, I just had to systematically plan a sensible restart.
So a new schedule was written, with the prime focus on stretching, dexterity and revisiting the various scales and scale exercises I should know but my hands had forgotten. An added splash of Grade 3 Modules and a return to the Truefire Blues courses I’ve been working on.
So in amongst the modal meanderings of straight and mixed up scales and melodic patterns, I dropped on a few interesting phrases and possible passages. Opened up my Elevated Jam Tracks folder and a couple of days back started some slow noodles over a good number of 10 minute BTs. As usual I kept pulling out tracks in the Key of A and D a mixture of tempos and styles but thought why do I keep riding the same old nags ? Time for a change.
So pulled up a selection of EJT Seductive Blues Ballads and mess around in Bm. In the end I decided on this rather melancholy piece that fitted my previous mood. Dropped it into Reaper. Lopped about 8 minutes off and cut it down to a Tisher friendly 2 minutes.
Plugged the SG in the POD Go, having previously found a desired tone and preset, while playing over a myriad of 10 minutes loops. Brought up OBS and went for it.
Still being rusty this was take 3 and there’s nothing elaborate. Its an interval exploratory, looking for space and links. The odd slide and vibrato and just the one bend to finish. All inspired by @DavidP blowing his cobwebs off and realising I needed to do the same.
As I say nothing special, nothing fancy. Just a chilled Sunday morning recording impro to get the fingers working.
Just need to cut and review my song list and get some proper work in the pipeline.
Thanks for listening, feedback comments welcome as usual.