Hi everyone bouncing around here,
It’s much of the same, and I hope it always sounds a little better to you than the previous than… small steps, then you don’t fall so hard…Or well… you probably get what I mean I think,
Greetings ,Rogier
Ooo, I posted the wrong video and threw the right one in the trash…That gives another definition to "messing around)…Today is not really my day shall we say…I’m going out into the sun with a cup of tea…
Very nice Rogier, I liked your variations around the theme including especially the double stops. It’s a really nice piece to play, I have played it in the past on classical guitar and not really thought of playing it electric but now can see some very interesting options for adding distortion and other fx into the mix.
Very nicely played and very enjoyable to listen to, very well done!
Hi Darrell,
Thank you for your kind words, glad you also see something in it,…I promised a while ago not to say sorry and do disclaimers anymore , but this one didn’t make me very happy myself, the first 19 sec I cut it off ,and then I won’t whine anymore…but this is a nice piece of work to continue with…and I think it would be really great to play it in a music/comp program and edit it etc… …I’ll go for it in a while…
Some nice playin there Roger. Really enjoyed it, particularly the phrasing and variations.
Can ya turn the lighting up a bit next time? How else am I s’posed to steal ya licks
Tanks Shane, …There is still a world to gain for me if I start working on the sound…and yes, the video too… …I’m a drama when it comes to that sort of thing
And I would love to record Wish you were here, with intro…without vocals…I’ll leave that up to you
Hi Brian,
Thanks,your comment is appreciated,
But I had at least 7 recordings on my phone, and I deleted the wrong order and by accident the first and last must have been exactly the same time (that’s how I select on the computer when uploading if there are more than one), and the difference was quite big …but I didn’t type this above because I wouldn’t do that anymore …,and I’m already busy making some song from my LL in a kind of solid form…I just have to write it down the music ,licks and riffs to create a steady base, and I find that quite a hassle… …
You must now be running around outside all day, shopping, eating out, all the postponed jobs, harassing neighbors and neighbors with your guitar and 100 other things ,
I wish you a lot of fun,
Ahhh, now that’s more like the verbal diarrhea I’m looking for in your musical performances
Yes, I’ve been kind of busy for the last week, but most of it helping organise my ‘kids’ for a post-Easter exodus. They all claim to be independent, but there still seems a never-ending list of tasks for me to do. It’s possible I just have difficulty ‘letting go’
Next week, my real life should begin!
And don`t forget to live every day ,you only die once(yes you know it)…but of course I understand what you mean , let’s hear or see … if it’s a bit decent … what you’re up to,
I was actually thinking of something with clothes on … or neat hair cut … no driving fingers(great way of saying,did`t know befor Justin ) in the picture etc …
But for the rest you’re right David, … but you can leave that to @Brian to be indecent
@DavidP I did something, no idea what, I think I pressed the tool key at the bottom … and now there is something with wiki in the top right of this post … I have no idea what to imagine with that,… other than that everyone can edit something in this post or topic right?
Edit: I was able to remove the wiki again, most of you would have found that out before… i can also come up with something fun with it, so who knows in the future.