Metallica - Enter Sandman (Rythm guitar | full song)

Well done Edgar, great playing and tone, really enjoyable.

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Thank you @dobleA @Notter @Rosshkerr @philsmith for your time and supportive words :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.

While she is keeping an eye on me, so I’m not out of “tuna” :rofl:

And you will, it takes time to polish, but it is a very fun and achievable song for a beginner (the rhythm, of course, :sweat_smile:)

Sounds pretty radical… Great tone and you fit right in with the original. Nice job all the way around. I enjoyed this and I am not really into this genre of music. You did it up right and made it good stuff!

All the best,

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needs more cat though :slight_smile: haha

Many thanks, @LBro and @MrPB :man_bowing:t2:

Oh, so this is a great achievement for me :blush:

Everything is better with more cat :rofl:

I thought everything was better with more cowbell


Hi Edgar,
you’re a real metalhead!
the sound is gorgeous, very similar to the original, and сооl played.
I would definitely be proud of myself if I did that.

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Hi Leonid,

Thank you! Indeed I’m very proud of the result. Just wait for when I’m ready for solos… :sunglasses::metal:.

Hi Edgar,

Excellent tone.
Playing was plenty tight enough - sounded great to me.
Critics of Lars would argue it’s him playing out of time if there is even the slightest error.

Top job.


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You’re making me blush… thank you Stephen :blush::metal::guitar:.

You’re playing that really well , could have been you playing that on the actual album for all anyone would know. And you’re getting a great tone from whatever you’re using, is it software?

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Sorry this one slipped me by but what a great display. The tone was exceptional and the fact that you played end to end on this one, was superb. You are making fine progress sir. Keep up the good work and keep sharing !



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Thank you, Lewis :blush:.

Yes, I’m using AmpliTube on my iPhone. I don’t have a real amp :sweat_smile:

No apologies needed, buddy :blush:. Glad you took the time to listen and that you liked it :blush:.

Talking about sharing, I’m close to have to upload a new AVOYP since a month passed already since this cover. Hope to upload something this weekend :metal:


Awesome!!! :+1:

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Thx! :smiling_face:

Not gonna lie, that was kick ass, especially doing that in one take. So, how long did you practice the rhythm parts?

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Many thanks :slightly_smiling_face:. I practiced that song a lot. I think 3-4 hours across a couple of months :grin:

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Nailed it! That’s an incredible feat doing a song this big, with as many changes and all of the intricacies that come with those changes in one take.

I’m not sure of your guitar journey backstory, but you look seasoned, comfortable and ready to tackle the next one. Awesome!! :+1:

I appreciate your words. The video always creates the illusion of me being more confident. But I wasn’t! :joy:.

I played for a couple of years guitar when I was 16 and then I left it for 14 years. It was long ago but still, it helped a lot with my current progress, indeed.

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