Dear all,
I would like to talk with you about “midjourney crisis” and I would describe it as really bad time like middle age crisis, when guys around 40 starting to feel like nothing and they buying cars and so on…
I think I am in it right now with guitar. Like I am at Grade 2 learning C major scale and F chord. I can do both pretty good, F chord still tricky… but when I jump to anything else like simple Am - C - G and D with D DU UDU… it does not bring me that joy like it used to. I feel like I cant do anything and nothing sounds good. Checked my tuning and thats all good. This makes me less and less motivated to play or training anything… I am watching guys on YouTube playing guitars and I really love it and then I jump to guitar and it feels right now to me like disappoinment.
Is this something that guitar learners must go through? Is there any heal for this?
Thinking about forget Justins path for few weeks and just blindly learn some fingerstyle from “Six String Fingerpicking”. I dont know… its like… I dont know how to describe my feelings but I definitely wanna go over it and learn all. Dont even think about quiting guitar.
Thanks for any response.