You'll need about two hours to complete this test!
View the full lesson at Music Theory Grade 4 Test | JustinGuitar
You'll need about two hours to complete this test!
View the full lesson at Music Theory Grade 4 Test | JustinGuitar
First seven pages. Stuck at page 4. The inversion chords and made a few mistakes at question 4.the major scale pattern 1.
But knew the rest so far of those seven pages.
I completed the test today. One mistake at question 30. I started from the first string instead of the 6th. The note trainer app was really worth it. I knew what notes are in the diagram right away.
I only can recommend the app.
Should I be able to use the major scale worksheet as a reference. Or should I be able to quickly figure out the chord theory with out it??? Thoughts?
(I can make the scale work sheet using the Kato tool and TTSTTTS which then feels like just using the scale sheet)
Or did I miss some ways to do it off the cuff?
@SgtAuto It is like anything you learn - a reference / example is useful to refer to as you get started, then you can begin to perform the task without looking at a reference.
Silly analogy. What is 7 x 6?
When you were very young and learning your times tables, you will have looked at a reference chart for this.
| Richard_close2u | JustinGuitar Official Guide
One mistake at question 24 (VII degree for B Major, which is A#dim but I wrote C#dim)
Cycle of Fifths is also useful for figuring out notes on the fretboard – particularly on same fret, adjacent strings. If I have counted right, going from strings 6-1, the notes are a 4th apart (a 3rd for G to B string), going from strings 1-6, they are a 5th apart (but a flat 6 on B to G string) on the same fret. A lesson on this would be helpful since it is yet another way to learn the fretboard.
42 said Ford Prefect.
Well stuck with it and got 13 wrong overall. Blind sided by thing relating to Bb and a few notes on the neck wrong. Given I am still suffering school exam trauma almost 5o years later and nearly 66 I might just take that as a result.
Shall we call them schoolboy errors then Toby?
Good boy Toby,
You will receive a sticker from me
… but still nice and good to voluntarily take exams at a later age for hours without getting a diploma for it
… my wife was really amazed and also a bit proud too…And pss, I am a bit too
Rogier, that’s all I need, more badges and stickers Thank you sir and your good lady.
Richard, chortle chortle. Yes all explainable in the post match analysis and nothing wrong with the “knowledge”, just stupid errors that would have found with an extra check or two. Example to write a complete scale to id the root, then jot down the 6 as the answer !! Doh.
At least no sily RTBQ errors.
Now moving on to the scary world of intervals !
Yaaay! I got about 99% at the first attempt. I made 1 mistake in question 9.
Answered all questions correct with lot’s of thought and going back a couple times to view videos before answering. I also had my guitar nearby or in my hand to answer many questions. Wonder if using the guitar was a crutch? Probably; however, I did learn more by taking this exam.
Thankyou Justin and team for putting this exam together. It was really in depth and I had to dig in to complete it. A few errors here and there, but the good thing was that I understood where I had gone wrong. Looking forward to the rest of the course, feel like I am getting a lot from this.
This course is so great, I just wanted to thank Justin and the team.
The exam does take some time but it was so worth it, really had to dig into what I had learned. Looking forward to grade 5!
Delighted to manage 91%! Mistakes here and there but I can see they’re due to my mental arithmetic (which isn’t great at the best of times, but especially late in the evenings when the kids are in bed!) rather than my understanding.
I can’t believe the progress I’ve made using this course. Learning theory had always been something I thought wasn’t for me because I had never enjoyed learning it from books, from other youtube videos, or from anyone who had previously half-heartedly tried to explain it to me. This course has been an eye-opener. Not only has it improved my understanding and playing of the guitar, I’m actually enjoying the learning! Massive kudos to Justin and the team. Well worth the £9.99 it’s cost so far!
Took this Grade 4 Theory exam late last night and I am so excited to see how far I have come with truly understanding music theory. The course has been fantastic and the exam was actually a great way to really sink it all in. Writing the answers was part of that. Took me about 1hr 40 mins. Got 98% right. I think the best way to do it is without the guitar in front of you and without any charts in front of you. Work things out on paper yourself if you have to in order to pull it out of your brain instead of looking at something already done for you and instead of looking at your guitar. Thank you Justin & Team for all your incredible work/teachings!
This test only proves how effective Justin’s method is. I’ve been studied this stuff about 1,5 y ago and dedicated lot of time on understanding and exercising this then. Now time passed and after 5-10 min refresh I was able to pass 95% at first attempt. Happy to be Justins student. cheers guys
im about to take it but im kinda confused, are we supposed/allowed to use a guitar during the test to help us visualize the major scale and use it as an “open book” test in that way, or are we really supposed to answer everything from memory
@Eliseo that would be up to you. Personally I would want to know the material well enough not to use the guitar, but if you’re comfortable with using the guitar then that’s fine.