My Cover of U2's One

This is my cover of U2’s One as taught by Justin. It took me about a year of practice, off and on, to get this one reasonable. The multiple hammer ons are really difficult for me as they require a lot of finger speed and coordination, especially with the pinky. Well, here it is, hope you enjoy!


Nice one Benji, a great version to practice chord embellishments

Way to go Benji!
Nice cover.
Well done.

Amazing how long it takes to get something down.
I’m up on yer year of practice for your song.
I’ve been working on one for a easy year and a half. Just today I started laying it down on tape. It’s no where near where I want it. :frowning: More practice in order for me.

Thanks for sharing and keep on rockin’ man!

That was really good Benji. You had a nice steady rhythm, the embellishments were great, and the vocals were really good (just a little hard to hear). :clap:

That sounded really great!

Awesome Benji. The amount of work you have put into that really shows. Thanks for sharing :clap:

Great work Benji, you must be very happy with the result! Souds spot on to me.

Perhaps move the mic a bit closer to your face to tweak the guitar/voice balance a bit. Your singing is great though!

That’s a great effort, Benji. Congratulations :sunglasses:
I started learning this last year, but put it on hold as I was only beginning with hammer-ons and they were coming a bit too thick and fast for me.
Well done on the vocals too. Yes they could have been more prominent on the recording but top job! The phrasing and ooh-oohing is not as easy as one might think.
My only criticism would be that you should try to keep your strumming hand moving regularly throughout the song instead of alternating between 1/4 note and 1/16 note strumming. Justin covers this fairly well in the lesson. It would loosen the flow and some additional ghost strums might be nice :smiley:


Nice one Benji, I am well over a year in to this song now and like you have been off and on it, so you have inspired me to get it nailed. Not sure I could match your voice though, really nice.

It is good to know it takes others a year or so to get things down as without that knowledge it can be quite demoralising.

Thanks for giving a listen Liaty! :smiley:

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Thanks for giving a listen HappyCat. What are you working on now?

Thanks CluelessLuthier! Yeah, someday I’ll get some proper recording equipment. Just working with a GoPro now…

Thanks for giving a listen LunaRocket!

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Thanks Tim!

Thanks twistor. Yeah I’m just using a GoPro. Someday I’ll get some proper recording equipment.

Thanks for giving a listen Brian. This song will continue to be a work in progress, there’s a few issues with the strumming that keep the rhythm and the changes from sounding very smooth. Good point. :+1:

Thanks Mark. It’s far from perfect, and I’ll keep working on it. I just told myself settle for good enough for now, and hopefully as I progress as a guitarist, I’ll be able to play it more smoothly in time. Anyway, well worth the efforts, I think it has made me a better guitarist overall…

Fantastic! Great work. It’s good putting it out there even if it’s still a work in progress. If we waited until we were 100% satisfied we’d likely NEVER put something out there.


Yeah, most of ours are through a webcam. I think it may be the angle you at. It is great for seeing your guitar work, but you facing at an angle to the microphone.

More wooden music.
Been working on ‘You can close your eyes’, James Taylor. Trying to learn finger pickin type music. I’m no where near close.
Just started recording it a couple days ago. Been working on it for a year and half.
Plus I don’t have Carlie Simon to do harmonies. imho, it really needs them harmonies. In my case, I’ll have to do w/o.

Keep on jammin Benji!

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