I’ve been playing guitar on and off for a little over 5 years. I never really took any courses or anything for that matter. I just wanted to play my favorite songs so I would go on YouTube and search for tutorials for the songs that I wanted to play. I figured that this was not gonna get me anywhere. I’ve come across JustinGuitar when I first started learning guitar. I’ve learned a lot from the videos but never really stuck with the courses. So, I decided to get back on track and take it more seriously so I started doing Grade 1 ten days ago. I knew about the community from a friend and I think it’s a really wholseome place to share progress and get feedback.
So here is my first AVOYP of Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door. Camera lagged a bit in the beginning so I’m sorry about that.
Congratulations on your first video, that’s a big step , nice strumming and quite a soft/nice touch (I still have to work hard on it with the pick after 4 years of course).
It is very good to start at grade 1 because it is safer to live on a good foundation
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun look around take your time and ask when you need so,
Very solid strumming, good rhythm. Well done on you first video upload, Zeyad!
You can try to add some picking or adding pinkie on G note on high E string on Am and C. Just to add a bit more variation to the same strumming pattern.
Welcome to the Community Zeyad. You’ve made a good decision to follow Justin’s course. You’ll achieve much more and make far more progress than you would by simply following random song tutorials on YouTube.
Steady strumming on show there. Just keep that strumming arm moving constantly up and down without pauses. Well done.
Welcome aboard, Zeyad and congrats on uploading your first video
Sounding & looking good. I’d reiterate what Gordon said-
Keep that strumming hand moving with the beat and don’t pause
Nice job and welcome to the Community. Great first post. I would only echo what Gordon and Brian said about keeping that strumming hand moving as your fretting hand moves through the changes.
Also, have a careful listen to the track and see if you can notice a higher note Mr. Dylan is adding to the AM and C chords in the progression. . where does that note fall rhythmically?. . . it’s just one little note but, for me, it completes the “feel” of the song.