My first playing | beginner | ear-bleed warning

I bought my first guitar in summer 2022, and hence has been on and off watching Justin Guitar to teach myself.

Last year had been rough on me with job stress and life I stopped playing for almost 5 months :frowning: , rendering my already poor skills even worse.
Also almost all my friends left tokyo, I guess that contributed to my losing interest in almost everything in the past months, including my favorite guitar.

I donā€™t want to give up guitar because of my lately bad mental state, and Iā€™ve enjoyed lurking in this warm community for a while, why not get more engaged by picking up my guitar again tonight after this long pause and record it:)

So here goes nothing ^^


Awesome singing and playing :slight_smile:

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:face_holding_back_tears: thank you thank you, I will practice more

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You can definitely remove the ear-bleed warning. You can definitely be proud of yourself for that recording :slight_smile:


Hello Rinka,
Please change your topic title because it doesnā€™t do you justice at allā€¦Congratulations on your first videoā€¦AND WHAT KIND OF ONE :partying_face: :sunglasses: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

You have a beautiful voice which I love very much and you play well too

Greetings and hoping to hear a lot more from you :man_bowing:

Rogier :bouquet:

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I want my money back ā€¦ no ear bleeding at all. That was great!!


awwwwww :smiling_face:

Hello Roger!

That was very sweet of you for saying so! I hardly play in front of people, and here everyone is really kind :smiling_face:

I feel very motivated by your comment! Hopefully I will not pause on guitar playing again.

Thank you, you made my day :grinning:



Thank you :smiling_face:

(didnā€™t know you are a paid subscriber, vip indeed!

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I mean it all Rinka :smiley:, but I understand your caution for 100%ā€¦ posting your first video ( it took me longer than 1 video to get of the nerves) can be nerve-racking, but you have nothing to fear with such a debut (by the way, never fear here :smiley: )ā€¦ just be proud of it :sunglasses:

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Really steady and very tidy picking pattern. You sang the song well too.

Music can be the greatest comfort and creates a great escape from low moods. ā€˜Keep on keepin onā€™ as First Aid Kit sing in ā€˜My Silver Liningā€™.


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I am so happy I racked that nerve :smiling_face: :smiling_face: :smiling_face:

Big greetings!

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Hi Brain,

Thank you for the encouraging words, it has not been an easy time for a lot of people, myself included. Now iā€™m back on guitar playing again, I hope Iā€™ll get better
: )



Wow finger picking and the F barre chord something I cant do I just strum it love your voice its very ethereal I think, keep doing what youā€™re doing please post more.

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Absolutely no ear bleeding to be found here!

Great job. You made the F barre look effortless. You have a really lovely singing voice as well. You have a lot to be proud of here!


Thank you :blush: That was so sweet
I missed playing guitar so much, I remember taking a lot time pressing that F chord and it used to feel impossible to press any bar chord, but it was like what Justin said, everyday practice it a little will get you there.
I played ukulele a while before, which makes it a bit easier for me to do some simple finger picking.

Thank you thank you :smiling_face:
I feel so much more motivated and definitely will practice more :blush:


Iā€™ll add my applause to the replies. You have a beautiful ā€œsoftā€ voice and itā€™s great that you can play like that after some ups and downs! Keep posting your music because it is very good. Add to that the fact that you are recording yourself and still doing great with the added pressure and itā€™s amazing! :star::star::star::star::star:

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That was definitely something to be proud of! I still canā€™t sing and play at the same time to save my life. Lots of feeling in your voice!

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Hello Rinka, that was an awesome rendition of house of the rising sun (and if Iā€™m not mistaken the performance was delivered from the land of the rising sun?). Nicely played and sung, you should certainly be proud of yourself. Congratulations on your first recording.

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