My first playing | beginner | ear-bleed warning

Congratulations on your first AVOYP posting, Rinka.

That was some wonderful playing and singing. I really enjoyed your fingerstyle.

Try not to let things that happen in your life side track you from your goals. I find guitar is a real escape from the issues that life can throw at you.


Wait, let me get this right - you bought the guitar in the summer of 2022 and had a 5 month lay-off, so that’s only just over a year of playing, and you can sound like THAT?

Seriously, that sounds amazing Rinka, whatever you do, don’t give it up. Ever!

Thank you for the encouraging words :face_holding_back_tears: I will try my best not to get myself pause on guitar again. I played ukulele for quite a while before getting my guitar though, I didn’t realize until now that skills like sing&play at the same time and simple finger plucking pattern require a lot practice too when learning guitar from start without exposure to other string instrument.

Thank you for the upbeating words :blush:
I am terrible at handling stress and getting over the anxiety caused by it. It can completely paralyze me. I really hope I will not slack off again in the future : )

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That was amazing Rinka! Definitely no ear bleeding!
Congratulations on your first AVOYP, you should be proud
So glad that you’ve picked up your guitar again! Welcome back :smiling_face:
Hope you’re feeling better soon

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That was great Rinka. Well done. You should be proud of that.

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I thought the same thing and i can t help it but the title bugs me
You re clearly NOT an absolute beginner , a beginner yes ( grade 2 at least ) but not absolute …
Your video and playing was awesome , already playing barre chords as if its an easy thing , its clearly great !
But a real absolute beginner can be dishearten if he thinks this is the level you should have when starting playing guitar :confused:
Keep on learning and have confidence in yourself !
You’re doing greater than you think it seems

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You’re right, I changed the title to [beginner] instead. I certainly do not wish that people get disheartened. it was very considerate of you to notice it.
I am clearly not a confident person :face_with_spiral_eyes: thank you for the kind words

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Thank you :blush: I will do my best!


Hi Rinka,

I would just echo what all the others already said: Definitely no ear bleeding here, it was a treat.
Given the time you’re learning guitar with a long break in it, that was a terrific performance you can be really proud of. :slight_smile:

Hope you keep on finding joy in playing guitar. It may help you to push through these tough times - and of course I hope that better days are coming your way soon! :slight_smile:

Take care.

Cheers - Lisa

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That was way better than I expected from your post title. Your playing and singing were really good for someone who has had a 5 month lay off. Look forward to your next video.

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That was lovely. I think your progress is impressive given the short length of time you’ve been playing (and the time away from the guitar). You kept a constant rhythm while playing and singing; that’s not an easy thing for many beginners. Well done.

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Hi Lisa, thank you for the very heartwarming message :smiling_face: I will try my best not to slack off again

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Thanks you😀 I learnt rhythm and singing on ukulele before^^

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Thank you for the encouraging message :smiling_face: I actually learnt rhythm and singing before on ukulele so i do have advantages

Well done that was fantastic :blush::+1:

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I know this is from last month but its so good. Well done, quite the High bar set already in feb for a first posted video. I still have to take that step and I’m scared :scream:

You rock rinka, i look forward to seeing more. Please post more.


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Haha you are too kind Jason! Thank you for the very warm cheering me up :smiling_face: Hope to see your posting too, greets!

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I’ve been playing a similar amount of time as you and that d to f is great, I still struggle with that :rofl: keep it up!

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Well done!!! Bravo!!! So sweetly played & sung Rinka!!! You can sing to us (this Community) any time!!! I’m eagerly awaiting the encore!!!
Thank you for posting such a gem :gem:!!!


PS Edited because I just heard your version of a Coldplay song that was also really special effort!!! :blush:

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