NGD AIO TC1 - Natural

oh thats not mine Iā€™ll put my own up once I start getting the parts in ā€¦

the ā€˜dont mess it upā€™ vibe is strong

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Oh, sorry!!! :confounded:

I guess Iā€™m so excited today that Iā€™m mixing everyone upā€¦ that thread belongs to @Lefteris ! Iā€™m watching his thread to see his ā€œpartscasterā€ come together!

Well, the general gist of my reply stands! I still would like to see the ā€œDickinson Specialā€ in segments as the project starts & moves along!


Thatā€™s a nice looking guitar!
Happy NGD Tod!

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Thank you!
When do you start on the build for your guitar? Are you planning to document as you go along & share with the rest of us - who are anxiously awaiting updates!!??!!??
Good luck with your adventure, Lefteris!


Thank you Tod!
I have the guitar building course one a week, today was the second lesson.
Iā€™m finalising my design and the components Iā€™ll put on so, Iā€™m guessing in a week or two Iā€™ll start planing and joining the body.
Iā€™ll try to document the progress with photographs and handwritten notes but I can only promise to do my best!

Question on your new tele: is it a neck-through-body?

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Yes, I donā€™t have a pic of the back on my phoneā€¦ took some with my actual camera so maybe I can download those to my pc & shareā€¦ the back is really beautiful alsoā€¦ I am really thrilled to get this new tele!

I should have mentioned in the OP that my wife & I were in a restaurant waiting for dinner when I showed her ā€œthe Oneā€ I had decided onā€¦ she asked to see my phone & was looking at the pics & specsā€¦ our dinner arrived & when she handed the phone back to me I noticed that sheā€™d just ordered it for me!!! ā€¦ sometimes in life you just get lucky! I know I was lucky the day we met!!! :laughing:


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Itā€™s amazing when your significant other shows you with actions that they want you to be happy!

Excellent choice the neck through, in my opinion. You will appreciate it when you play higher than the 17th fret!
Iā€™m pretty sure youā€™ll enjoy that guitar.
Iā€™ll be keepong an eye out for any sound clip on case you upload!

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When my grandson was about 3 (not sure of the exact age, but definitely a toddler) I was playing my guitar in the living room when he toddled over to me, laid his hand flat across all 6 strings, looked up at me and with the face and voice of an angel said:

ā€œPlay a GOOD tune, Grandadā€

Heā€™s 19 now, this was before I discovered Justin.


Glad you like it, I picked up this one from them a couple years ago and was thoroughly impressed.


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Record every practice session, youā€™ll soon get used to it. Also, when you screw up, donā€™t bother turning the camera off, just start again. Remember, video editing software is our friend! :rofl:

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Wow Mike!!
Thatā€™s a beauty!!!
You still enjoy it 2 years later?
Thanks again for the suggestion!!!


This brings back a similar memory, Ian.
My oldest grandson, (whoā€™s now 21 & following in my footsteps becoming an Air Traffic Controller!) was maybe 2ā€¦

was sitting with me while I played something from the Disney Songbook. He didnā€™t like what I was playing & asked very nicely for a different song. So I started playing, he stopped me & again asked nicely for a different one. I showed him the book & he said no to song after song after songā€¦ frustrated, I sweetly asked him what music he liked & he said ā€œ The ones Mom & I listen to in the car!ā€ :crazy_face:
Remember the Art Linkletter show ā€œ Kids say the Darndest Things ā€œ? Well they sure do!!!



Real beautiful guitar there Tod wishing you a lot of fun getting to know it and making music with it!!

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Congratulations Tod, Smashing looking guitar hope you have loads of fun. :+1:

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Congratulations and happy NGD, Tod :partying_face: :bouquet:

What a beautiful guitar! I love the natural-wooden look of it :sunglasses:
And Iā€™m sure your audience (two- and four-legged) will love it, too :+1:

Have lots of fun with your new six-string-mate :smiley: :guitar:

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:drooling_face::drooling_face: Hot :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.

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This solid body and neck in natural finish, chrome hardware, thatā€™s just WOW!! And then these inlays, are these they modeled on a dogā€™s footprints? I think you made an excellent choice Tod!! A new toy always adds something special to our second childhood :grin:

On the topic a short note also from my side. I also had similar experiences - for example I was always a bit nervous when my partner was in the same room when I was practicing. Even though I got encouraging feedback from her. She always said she liked hearing the sounds of the guitar and even that it makes her feel relaxed. That still didnā€™t make me feel relaxed though :smiley: In a previous post you shared similar experiences, if I remember that correctly.

So I would say, first of all, donā€™t feel pressured to record yourself at this point in time or even share a recording with us. Not doing it is completely ok and the ā€œifā€ or ā€œwhenā€ is sorely up to you. If you want, then follow Ianā€™s advice. Record every session, but as a start with the goal to delete the recording without the aim to look at it. Really just to get used to playing in front of a device as a very first step. Not sure if this makes sense, but thatā€™s how I would approach it.
By the way, even Justin shared experiences of feeling uncomfortable when playing in front of others - to his surprise this even happened once in a guitar shop to him. I think he shared it in this blog.

Nevermind. Wishing you lots of fun with your guitar :smiley: :guitar:

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Thatā€™s a cool Tele!
Love how they checked for setup preferences; thatā€™s a nice feat!

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My Squier Classic Vibe 50ā€™s Teleā€¦

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Happy NGD, looks sweet.


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