NGD AIO TC1 - Natural

Well, I made a decision on which T-Style guitar to go with….

A big shout out to @mikepoulin for telling me about All In One Guitars!!!

My AIO TC-1 Tele Style Guitar!!!

It arrived 3 days after I ordered it… Free Shipping & the price included the sales tax… they offer a Gator hardshell case for $90 which is about &140 everywhere else I checked… but the BEST THING was that they contacted me to ask about how I wanted it setup! It’s almost PERFECT!!! Loving this guitar so far!!! Great playability, cool vibe & that classic Tele sound!!!
Gotta go play……. :sunglasses:



Wow! Handsome guitar! That will make you want to play it.

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Hi Tod,
Happy NGD :partying_face: :sunglasses:
Nice one and I wish you a long and close time together :smiley:

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Happy NGD Tod, that looks tasty. Very different with just a wood look. Glad to read you are happy with it.

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I love a good Tele and that one is sweet. Thanks for sharing. Can’t wait to hear it. Happy NGD!

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Joshua @Jamolay , Rogier @roger_holland , Stephan @SgtColon & Tosh @ToshS , thank you all for sharing the excitement and the well wishes! I have yet to be able to get through a song with the camera :movie_camera: on… I play something without a single error, turn on the camera & can’t even get through 2 bars without goofing it up!!! If I get a good recording at some point, I’ll be happy to share with the group!
Thanks again!


Congrats on the new Tele. Looks good.

Thanks Rick @stitch , so far it plays good!!!


Looks great Tod. Enjoy. Even goes with your outfit.

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HaHa! :rofl:

That’s the first thing my daughter said! Not “How do you like it?” or “Does it play nice?” or even “That’s a nice looking guitar!”… just “Oh wow! It matches your outfit!”

Thank you!


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Congrats Tod.
And may I say, that ones a real looker imho.
I’m a sucker for natural finish on electric guitars. I just love that wooden look.
And that one is beautiful.
I also find myself liking a dark fretboard as opposed to maple.

Hope you find much inspiration with it.

“I have yet to be able to get through a song with the camera :movie_camera: on… I play something without a single error, turn on the camera & can’t even get through 2 bars without goofing it up!!! If I get a good recording at some point, I’ll be happy to share with the group!”

Play us some music with errors in it. I can’t imagine anyone minding one little bit. We (I) just wanna hear your cool new guitar. :slight_smile:
I can’t say I can play a whole song w/o any errors in it either (and like you, especially with the recorder on), and I find it’s ok. My audience (my cats) don’t seem to mind… We won’t either, I think we’re here to learn how to play anyways. Errors are a part of the game.

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Happy NGD, Tod! :partying_face: :smiley:

That’s a true beauty!! :heart_eyes: :star_struck: Even better it’s setup up close to perfect and plays well. :grinning:

Wish the two of you loads of fun together and endless hours of playing. Looking forward to hearing both of you someday! :wink:

Cheers - Lisa

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Thanks Jim @HappyCat !
Gotta say that this new Tele Style makes me a Happy Catman!
The only issue I’ve had so far is that the nut had a sharp edge that a couple of passes with a fine file took care of. I have it on a stand in my living room… it was in my office/music room initially & then yesterday I came home to find that my wife had moved it. When I asked her why she said that’s it’s too beautiful to be stashed in the other room… she wants to see it! (Note that she didn’t necessarily want to HEAR it…) :roll_eyes:
My audience (my cats) don’t seem to mind… We won’t either,
Well, don’t say you weren’t warned if my first AVOYP is worse than cringe-worthy!!! Your cats may not mind but my dogs do!!! I pick up the guitar & they head to the door!
Thanks again for the message!


Danke, Lisa!!!

I am very fond of the Natural looking wood with the variations of wood type which make it so beautiful to me! It’s a set-neck with a heel carve that I think will make it more comfortable to play than a bolt-on as I progress & start to play farther up the neck… I don’t have a good pic of that yet but I’ll try to capture one. I have been trying to record myself but to no avail… I am recording often & did get through an almost perfect scale, ONCE, until I remembered that the camera was on… someday though!
Thanks again Beenie!


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Looks gorgeous nice guitar!

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Thanks Rob!
Rock on, man! :metal:


If that plays as good as it looks, GAS attack beginning…

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HaHa! GAS is a danger if you read these NGD posts!!! I’m guessing from your thumbnail Geoff that you like Tele Style guitars. I was asking in Which Tele is the “right” one? for some suggestions & got the suggestion to check out All In One guitars by @mikepoulin . They have some beauties that are pretty reasonably priced. I did find a couple of “meh” reviews after I had committed to the purchase but have no complaints with my AIO guitar! Thanks for commenting… I appreciate the responses from everyone!


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I think I’ve spent more on shipping and customs duty for my partscaster than this cost haha

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Right… but it’ll be ALL YOURS… The “Dickinson Special”… a one of a kind music maker built to YOUR SPECS with your Blood (not too much I hope), Sweat & probably at least some Tears!

My oldest daughter lives in Northern Colorado, about an hour North of Denver. In Denver there is a school, The Colorado School of Lutherie that has an intensive class to build an acoustic guitar. It’s expensive, but at the end of the class you take home the product of your efforts… I am a couple of years away from retirement & it’s on my short list of things to do. In the meantime, I’m making sketches of headstock shapes I like, ideas for inlays, thinking of overall size & shape etc.

I am following your “NGD - Sort Of” thread with interest! I’m excited to see your final achievement with at least some envy! Good Luck, Rob!
