NGD It's been a long time coming

Well, this has been a long time in the making :grimacing: wanted something new and more compact than the Yamaha Dreadnought that I have currently. I agonised for many months over several models across several brands playing in shops and talking to other people.

My final choice was not available anywhere in Western Australia and there only seemed to be 1 available in a shop over on the East Coast :australia: so my normal music shop ordered me one direct from Taylor. 4 weeks later and I get the call :clap: :clap: it’s arrived. A 3 hour round trip dash to my music shop and here it is, my new Taylor 214 CE-K, Grand Auditorium in Spruce with Koa back and sides and a Satin finish. :crazy_face:

First impressions are, it feels beautiful to hold and has a really lovely tone. It’s comfortable both in the body and the fretboard which feels a bit narrower than my Yamaha. The way it looked, smelt and felt exceeded my expectations and I liked the colour of the head which is different to the single dark coloured models of Taylor I had seen previously.


Hi Craig,
Happy NGD :partying_face: :sunglasses:
I wish you a lot of time with that beautiful guitar

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Happy NGD. Looks great. It was getting a Taylor that converted me to acoustic guitar, I think you’ll continue to be very happy with it :+1:

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Very nice Craig, loving the grain on the headstock. :+1:

Happy NGD.

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Happy NGD, Craig. She’s a beaut. I’m with Toby, I love that headstock.

Don’t forget to post a video of you playing it. :wink:

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Very nice. Enjoy.

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Happy NGD!

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Classy addition to the stable, Craig.
May it bring you many years of enjoyment :smiley:

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Looove that headstock! Taylors are so beautiful. Proceed to enjoy!

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Fantastic Craig, looks a beauty and sure it sounds amazing! Love the colour tones on the headstock.
Enjoy and happy NGD!

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Happy New Gear day lovely guitar enjoy :partying_face: :clap:

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Happy NGD it’s a beauty - enjoy !

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That’s a beautiful guitar, enjoy!

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Congrats! I agree with everyone else that the headstock is lovely!

I’m considering a similar conversion from Yamaha dreadnought to something smaller, so I’ll be eager to hear how you settle in to this one.

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Congratulations. That is a beautiful guitar. Enjoy.

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Stunning new Taylor, Craig!!! Wow!!!
Have lots & lots of fun breaking her in & making joyful music together!!!
So happy for you!!!


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Happy NGD, Craig! :smiley: :partying_face:

What a beauty! :star_struck: Never hve seen such a lovely headstock, that wood grain is absolutely stunning.

I wish you loads of fun together any many joyful hours of playing. Can’t wait to hear the two of you in action. :slight_smile:

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When I first started to learn, a friend loaned me his Martin Dreadnaught. I hated it. Too big and hurt to play. I purchased the same Taylor you have and it’s been perfect for me since. Didn’t have to go to Australia or California; the local music shops had a number of them available.

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Congratulations, that’s fine looking Taylor!

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That will definitely come Stefan :ok_hand:

Happy to Hilary, very early days at the moment but all I can say so far is WOW :scream: what a difference to play and to listen to :ok_hand: