NGD Martin 000-15sm

NGD!! Yuuhuu :grin: was not happy with just the GS mini. It was to small and cramped on the neck. And the sound was just decent. It was not superb…
im in love with the sound from Martins and since the dread gives me shoulder issues… had to be an 000

Found this beuty used at a very good price online. She plays like a dream and the sound is amazing!

Look at that cool headstock :heart_eyes:


Happy NGD Mahogany guitars alway have a really nice tone.

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nice! looks gorgeous

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Beautiful Martin!!!

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Happy New Guitar Day!!!

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Congratulations. Nice guitar. I’m partial to that size as well. Had a mini Maton and it’s unplugged performance underwhelmed me for sure. Enjoy the new axe.

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Happy NGD Trond. She looks lovely. I’m looking forward to hearing you play on this.

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What are the benefits of a slot head?

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Probably not much… looks good though :rofl:

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tRONd - I think that too. Beautiful guitar and I’m biased because I have a 2012 DM-15. It’s a sweet guitar but temperamental if the weather changes. What is your favorite among the guitars you own??

Oh is it? I did not know. My favourite was a D-10 but it gave me shoulder issues. So i sold it.

Well we just may have to regulate you to a parlor. Sorry for that! Keep up on that OOO but dont hurt yourself. Do you like listening to The Wood Brothers?

Here is The Wood Brothers

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Bravo, Trond, wish you much joy. And now I am dreaming of your next AVOYP to hear that sound!

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Congratulations Trond, a beauty of a guitar! Enjoy it and let us hear the sound soon.

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Hi Trond,
Happy NGD :sunglasses: :partying_face:
Love that look :sunglasses:
Greetings and a lot of fun and time together :smiley:

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wow, love it! Congratulations!

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Oooh wow Trond, that looks amazing! Can’t wait to hear what you can do with her :slight_smile:

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Okay Trond,
Since you’re here I’m going to ask again… how is your daughter’s guitar playing?

And why don’t we see her here yet? Do “we” have such a potentially bad influence on her that you fear? :roll_eyes:

Justin has talked in many lessons about his desire to get more young ladies to play the guitar because the proportions are completely skewed, so far I’ve been interested in one with potential, but those teenage girls are also shooting in all directions :woozy_face:

Well, as long as she still plays on her beautiful Fender :sunglasses:

Beautiful guitar and it’s a Martin so I bet it sounds great! Happy NGD :slightly_smiling_face:

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