So, I’ve been wanting a Les Paul for a while, and I came across this one a while back but bit the bullet this week.
It’s a Epiphone Jerry Cantrell Les Paul Custom Prophecy. I’ve called it Migaloo - which is the name of the famous white humpback whale but also means “white fella”.
I’m a little in love, my first major purchase.
It’s also the first guitar I have with active pickups. As per normal, I have sore fingertips and a bit of a stiff wrist after 48hrs.
@jkahn Like em enough, by no means a super fan.
I was eyeballing a Fender Starcaster - Tom Delong which would be a big fan boy purchase but this guitar just felt the one (for now).
@LievenDV I have a strat, a part caster strat and a SG type. I like learning bluesy stuff on the strat tbh but I really like a fixed bridge to just slam on.
Being a bit of a gear collector I kinda wanted to have the LP, as the other half to what I consider the big two shapes.
I have plans to buy a Tele kit and build one myself.
Love the white body and black fretboard I have a white squire tele with maple fretboard nowhere near as stunning as that.I also have a V100 GT Les Paul type again not as good looking as yours.