NGD Squire Tele

I had some money from Christmas and birthday so when I saw it on Guitar World I thought I would take the plunge, simply because I loved the colour. I got an extra 5% off the price for signing up to Fender’s newsletter.

I’ve not tried it yet but I love the colour (can never just tell on a screen) and the matt finish as well.

I’d like to introduce my Limited Edition Classic Vibe '60s Custom Telecaster

Then, with a bit of my redundancy money I got myself a pedal. Apart from my mini looper this is the first proper pedal I’ve bought and I have to say that it lives up to the reviews.


That’s a good looking Tele, congratulations!
Now we need a demo to fully appreciate it. And the pedal too. They look like a perfect match.


Happy NGD Stefan! Beautiful guitar!

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Stefan @SgtColon
Red and white definitely the right colour as far as I am concerned.
Happy NGD :guitar:

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Happy NGD Stefan ! Enjoy.


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Congrats on your new guitar Stefan.
Very nice Christmas/Birthday present.

I dig that black binding w/the red. Looks real good man.

Yer on your way to next level guitar playing with that one… :wink:

Happy NGD!

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Beauty! This is likely my next guitar purchase as well.

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A Tele and an Overdrive…you are done.

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Congratulations Stefan!!!
Nice Tele & also for picking up the Boss Blues Driver!!! That pedal is at the top of my gear list for what to get next! Let us know how they sound together - also, what amp are you playing them through? Don’t you have the Katana 50?
Have fun!!!


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Happy NGD Stefan!
I love the colour too!
Great choice for a Christmas/birthday gift! :smiley: :guitar:

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Nice! Welcome to the Tele club, can’t go wrong with a Tele, one of the most versatile electric guitars you can buy!

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Very sweet! I hope you peel the sticker off, store stickers on guitars make my eyes twitch :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Both acquisitions look great, Stefan. Now you ready to crank some blues-rock!

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Just gota love Red. :slight_smile: Happy NGD too :slight_smile:


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I’m currently renting the same guitar but in Sunburst. It is a nice guitar. The rental was a birthday present from my sweetie.
I hope you enjoy it.

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The color! Love that red. Enjoy!

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Now that looks great Stefan. I’ve been thinking recently about stats and teles. What made you go for the tele? Look forward to hearing it with the blues driver. That looks like a tasty pedal, I’m sure Justin recommended it too.

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Happy NGD.

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Well You’ve no excuses now, so crack on. :grinning: :guitar:

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Thank you everyone. I’m going to give it a try today but expect some paying on it at some point in the future in my learning log.

@CATMAN62 Tod, I’m going into a Katana 100. I did used to have the 50 but I sold it to Mr Larsen.

@jkahn :joy: That went not long after taking the picture. They are a little annoying aren’t they?

@Socio That is a great question James and I don’t know I know the answer to it. I think there is just something so sexy in its simplicity that is appealing to me and I love the 60’s style of it and its playability. My other tele is always my go to guitar.