NGD telecaster build

Looking well prepared, dude! :sunglasses:
Hope you have a lot of fun putting all the jigsaw pieces together and the hiccups are few and far between. Have a great holiday :smiley:

OK time to start building.

Step 1, Quick sand with 360 and it’s already feeling smooth and slick


Sanded 600, 1000 then first coat of truoil on the front.


Started looking very beautiful.

Looking good.

And quick light sand plus back/sides first coat.

Loving how this truoil goes on


Glad its gone lighter again Rob ! I was getting a bit worried about that darker stain.
Looking good. :+1:

The true oil doesnt add any real colour I dont think, theres no stain here, photos are from my phone so exposure can make a fair bit of difference .

I dont want it too light anyhow!

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Coat 2 on the back and sides also decided to popsicle it for later I’ll do whole light coats when not wet sanding one side

Oh also first light coat on the neck


That is looking Gorgeous Rob!!!
It’s really exciting to see your project coming together!!! You’re going to have something very special when it’s all done!!!


I like that it has gone darker. I was worried that it would end up looking like a zebra.

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So today will be the first wet sand (with the truoil) on the front which is looking good but really needs that sand…


That’s a really beautiful body. Can’t wait to see the whole guitar.

Not much change so far , several more coats/sanding and now leaving for a few days to fully harden before polishing.

Should come together pretty quickly after that


It is looking so sweet, Rob. I think it is going to be a beaut when finished.

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Oki polished the body a little and starting to assemble, bit scary tbh!

Tuners iinstalled


And string grommets, didn’t like this bit haha


That neck looks really good, contrasting the body colour. Very very nice Rob.

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Cheers will see soon how well it goes…

Probably could have skipped this bit but copper foil added to the cavities…


Ooh brings back memories of the Affinity pomp project !

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