NGD telecaster build

Well that went better than expectedā€¦ Feeding the wires through is a pain

Because my antique neck screws are standard length Iā€™ve got to trim 2 down otherwise due to the sculptured heel theyā€™ll pop through the fret board, thatā€™s apparently a bad thing.

Dremmel timeā€¦

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Yeah, might slow down that fast shredding just a little bit. :wink:

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OK probably done enough might have to start off with the pointy one firstā€¦

Lunch breakā€¦

Looking more guitar like.

I donā€™t know how the front 2 pickups are supposed to mount its not looking right how I have them


Aaand as I ha e a classic telecaster jack socket thing it needs a specialist tool to install??

Bah, will replace with an electrosocket

You can make that tool for nothing if you have some mechanicā€™s tools and spare hardware lying around.

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Yeah I saw that, not yet watched though.

probably all American parts / sizes so would have to convert, will see what I have lying w around but they are Generally hated right? An electrosocket is about $10

Anyhow itā€™s strung, somewhat in tune and the neck is on mostly straightā€¦

Zero setup other than a very quick bridge height adjust to stop some buzz for now.

Will check the electrics later but Iā€™m beat. Been a long 2 weeks (hard gardening etc)


So it lives! electrics all work okā€¦

Sounds fantastic too, plays fine as it is now without an actual setup , which is a surprise , just spent a couple hours playing.


Wonderfulā€¦ congratulations! I am interested in how you do the final neck adjustment. It all seems very haphazard with just the 4 screws arrangement.

This is taking on the look of a fine instrument.

Hey @RobDickinson - Iā€™d also be interested in how much (roughly) this cost if you donā€™t mind telling us. Itā€™s a very appealing idea to build your own guitar. Not sure what NZD are worth in cowrie shells but I am sure I can do the conversion.

Thatā€™s great Rob! Well done!
I suppose thatā€™s going to be your main guitar now?
You know, a sound sample is due now :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You tuned to standard E?

How do the frets feel? Are they nice and same level? Fret ends?
I remember we were wondering some weeks ago about that.

Iā€™m afraid to add it upā€¦ Sourcing from warmoth for these parts wasnā€™t cheap, they have much cheaper parts but Iā€™m impressed with the quality.

Iā€™d say including import and shipping which was massive itā€™s around $3500 nzd so around $2100 usd but $800ish of that is shipping/duty

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It currently is though Iā€™ve drop dā€™d it briefly, I need to do a proper setup on it.

Frets all seem good so far, ends were finished but sharp and the fret board had sharp corners.

So Iā€™ve taken a nail file to the ends just to take the edge off and done a minor fret edge roll with a socket now itā€™s nice and comfortable to play

Will get some sound samples up once Iā€™ve proper finished it

Iā€™m interested in the hum you get with it this way. I see 2 things I would have added, but not sure how much they would help.

  1. Iā€™d fasten a GND wire under the bridge. I thought about just using copper tape then figured it may soften the mechanical structure and reduce sustain.
  2. Iā€™d put a tape sheath around the wires going between the pickups and then out to the output jack. this would be a great chance to re-visit the pain of stuffing the wires thru the tunnels again!
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1 - The bridge pickup has a copper ground plate which grounds the bridge through the screws so itā€™s not required.

2 - Feeding the wires through esp the front pickup was a nightmare so thatā€™s absolutely not going to happen!

But thereā€™s no hum. None. Not sure why. Iā€™ve dialed down /off any noise gates etc too.


Yeah, shipping on this side of the world is a killer. But that doesnā€™t sound too bad for a high-quality (and beautifully constructed :wink: ) instrument. It is certainly unique!

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Yeah a thinline tele with good spec here is $6-7k of similar spec I think.

Itā€™s no fender, no resale value but Iā€™ve never sold a guitarā€¦

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