Hello and good morning from snowy Austria
Before I’m going to reply to your individual comments, I’d like to send you a big THANK YOU!!!
for taking the time to listen to my song and for writing such nice and motivating comments, feedback, and advice. I appreciate that very much
. You’re wonderful
Hi Toby, I’m glad you like my performance
. The switches between picking and strumming took a little while, before I could do them quite smoothly. But as I use this technique also in several other songs, it was nothing totally new to me. And I really like it, as it is a great way to change the dynamic of the song (as long as I’m not able to do it with other techniques as well
Hello David, thanks so much for your motivating and thoughtful reply
Yes, definitely. In the beginning of my practice I recognized that I automatically speeded up my playing while strumming and slowed down while picking. Consequent use of the metronome finally helped me to overcome this problem.
Regarding G7: I came across this chord for the first time, when I practiced songs for Christmas. It seems that G7 is particularly often used for this genre. And I really like the sound of this chord. But the necessary finger stretch to play it properly, didn’t come easily.
I also tried playing the two finger G with my 3rd and 4th finger (instead of 2nd and 3rd) to make the change to G7 a lot easier. But contrary to you, this didn’t work for me. My pinky is still too weak. In the end, it was easier to play the G chord with my index and middle finger. But it is quite possible, that over time my pinky gets strong enough, so that I can also play the G to G7 change with your suggested finger combination
Buon giorno, Silvia
. I’m so pleased you like the song
Regarding my pinky glued to my ring finger - you’re absolutely right, and I’ve noticed this behaviour already myself, and wondered why I’m doing that. The pinky seems to enhance the pressure of the ring finger on the strings. Although I’m not happy with this behaviour of my pinky (it definitely belongs to the ‘bad habbit-category’), I have the impression that it’s getting better. Maybe, the stronger my ring finger gets, the lesser need for my pinky to support it
But I thank you for pointing that out. I’ll put more attention on this, now
Servus Andrea! I was quite certain that you would know the song - and understand the lyrics, of course
. I appreciate your positive feedback very much. It really means a lot to me
Hallo Brian, vielen Dank für die Blumen
Learning how to play the song, took quite a while. The vocal part was much easier as I know this song for nearly all my life and listened to it countless times.
At the moment, I’m also working on a song in French. In this case, the main challenge is quite the opposite
Hello Eddie, thanks so much for listening to my recording and your motivating feedback. This really means a lot to me
Singing while finger picking is a challenge, but I love this technique so much that I use it whenever it appears to be appropriate