Noodling with possible WWW Journal-Reply from Gibson. 👍

As it’s a non practice day i was noodeling with the idea of a WWW journal and thought of something like this. What do you think, what should i change ?


Hi Rachel, I like the logo. However, my first was is it a good idea using Gibson in the title, will you get into problems for doing so copyrights and so forth? I do not know but something to ponder perhaps. Otherwise looking good.

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I have taken contingencies for that but I would argue no, as the site name is ABCEDFG( no spaces) ibson, more of a play on words but there is the inferance. Arguable, possibly. !


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So ABCDEFGibson? IMHO it looks like you are in some way connected to the company. Which of course you are through owning a Gibson. That is not seen though and not necessarily inferred, at the least not to my eyes.
The design would also perhaps be cleaner without the the use of WWW. journey etc., as if you are already on the site the logo does not perhaps require worded reiteration? Again, just my thoughts. But good luck with the journal.


Good points, I will try without so much txt in the logo area.


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I agree about the www not being necessary. Also, for whatever reason, to me something seems ‘off’ about the text area. I think it might be that the font being used for the text doesn’t fit with the rest of the logo, but as I’m not a graphic designer I’m sure sure I can really properly articulate what feels off to me about it

I like your idea of keeping a web journal about your journey!

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Looks really cool. What is a www journal? A web journal of some type?

Just an idea, you could change any reference to Gibson with My - on the stave use a triplet before a y and on the Guitar use the note with the stick at the bottom and on the web address use (with the letters under the right ones the formatting won’t let me do that!)

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I will video my learning and open a YouTube channel and link those to a WWW of my entire journey. As this is my retirement plan lol. Why the heck not…

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Can’t really add the word My between G and ibson as that defeats the play on word I was aiming for.

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Btw, both and are also available :slightly_smiling_face:

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So I cleaned it up a little removed and changed the txt but, I think txt need a few tones darker for visibility.

Any more thoughts. ?


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That looks much improved from your first draft! :smiley:

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Been looking into names here and is shipping broker lol. Gibson guitar manufacturer is called Gibson Brands Inc.

To be honest I don’t think I’ll have that much of an issue with the site name, fingers x’d anyway.


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With the orientation of the notes it looks like dibson duitar journey. Something to think about?


I’d maybe forget about reference to gibson and personalise it to be more to be about you than the guitar you play. A good example that l came across the person went with mid-life guitarist. A lot of people could connect with that so probably clicked to watch the vids on YouTube and view the website.


That would be up to Gibson weather or not they want to be bothered to sue you for copyright and trademark in infringement. I’d hate to see you put in a lot of work just to get a cease and desist letter from their lawyers, here’s a list of what Gibson has trademarks on. If you look at the list of words Gibson and Gibson Guitars is on the list of words.

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That’s really helpful, I noticed that almost images and marks are U.S registered only, not much in global, I only found their G as a registered shape and TM.


Thanks so much for this.


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Ooh, now there’s a thought. I got where you’re going, I could flip those notes and make half notes too, it would look more like a G rather than a note G.

Good thinking.



Now thats looking good. :slight_smile:

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