Notification - Online Mini-Gig! Sat 24th June 9pm UTC (nzmetal, jkahn, jenndye429)

:rofl: You got it, Ian! Right next to Nancy, front row, centre :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


This looks awesome! I’d love to be in the audience! Can I please register my interest but also confirm a bit closer (something else on the same day, but time zone-wise works great though)? Thank you :slight_smile:


Well this is all pretty exciting :slightly_smiling_face: I really hope to be able to watch live but will need to confirm closer to gig time :v:


Thanks @JasmineJ & @Chazzo78! :grinning: It would be great if you can join us but no problem to confirm closer to the time. Hope you can make it! :sunglasses::+1:


Exciting time here. Love the initiative and innovation. I’m sure it will be a great event.

For me personally it is just too late a start local time, I’ll catch the video so be sure to hit ‘record’.


Thanks David! :smiley:

Fair enough mate! Would be for me too :sleeping::sweat_smile:

Will do my friend! :sunglasses::+1:


This beautiful flyer shows some great design skills. :+1: I like the idea of a rock and metal concert. The time is fine with me. I want to watch it either live or on recording depending on my schedule on saturday.


Thanks Mathieu! :smiley: Got you down on the list :+1: we’ll be back in touch with the Zoom link closer to the time. Will be great to have you attend :metal::sunglasses:

2 weeks to go to the mini gig… would be great to see a couple more people in the audience for that heckling between songs! :joy: Positive heckling of course!


Hello, oh wow, what a great idea :star_struck:! A mini-gig with four JG-community-rock heroes :guitar::metal:.
I’d love to get a seat in the audience, and I’ll do my best to stay awake until starting time (I don’t have any worries that I’ll stay awake once the gig has started :sweat_smile:).

Beautiful poster, by the way :smiley:.


Thank you, Nicole! :hugs: It will be so cool to have you join us! Got you on the list! :smiley: :+1:


Please can you save me a seat as well? I’m looking forward to this, it should be a great night.


For sure, Stefan! Will be great to have you there! :smiley::+1: Seat locked in buddy! :sunglasses:


T - 3 days peeps.

Guess the clock is ticking and thought I’d better ask :sunglasses:

1 - Are you going to DM the Zoom link to us in the audience, coz yet I see nowt (n just checked messages).
2 - Are you jumping on for a pre show sound test ahead of the show ? Will give me a chance to stay awake if I get in early doors.

It’ll be late but still looking forward to the show.



It’s good you can come Toby! @nzmetal will be sending out a zoom link sometime soon

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Hopefully before Saturday so peeps can check the link. Oh cant guarantee I’ll stay awake. :rofl:


Thanks for the prompt Toby! Good to push this, time is ticking :clock10: :grimacing: :rofl:

I had panned to DM it out the day before, but getting the ball rolling now seems as good a time as any! I will create a DM group and include all those that have so far said yes (or tentative yes) as listed below:
Billca - Nancy
tRONd - Trond
JokuMuu - Nicole
Mari63 - Mari
Helen0609 - Andrea
Malz - Mal
TheMadman_tobyjenner - Toby
adi_mrok - Adrian
philsmith - Phil
MadModMcd - Ian
JasmineJ - Jax
Chazzo78 - Lee
math07 - Mathieu
NicoleKKB - Nicole
SgtColon - Stefan
(haven’t “@'d” as too many for one post - but they’ll get a DM soon :wink: )

When you join the link, I have it set up with a waiting room for now, so it should show you something like this (I blanked out the date and time in my screen shot below as it showed NZ time so don’t want any confusion, should show in your local time though :slight_smile: ):

We are having a catch up the day before to discuss proceedings so will work out our plan for the start then but will keep in mind most folks will be trying to stay awake!! :sleeping: :joy:


Well its 2345 and I’m pushing some Bad Wolves through the new monitors, so I’ll be ok for staying awake. :rofl:


Tell me about it. That limitation is a real bummer when doing the OM comms !! :angry:

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Midnight, time for zeds as The Black Crowes ease away in the background. Really curious about what you guys are going to be punting out muzique wise. Looking forward to the show.