Nuovo Cinema Paradiso Love Theme - My Beginner Study

I unespectedly found the key to Nuovo Cinema Paradiso…it felt like I shouldn’t do it, ahhh such a Masterpiece! I felt a bit silly but I just wanted to see if my key actually worked, I thought If the door opens I’ll just take a quick peek from outside…no harm in just a little peek! The key worked, the door opened…there she stood in the doorway, her Ladyship The Music, she took me by the hand and on tiptoe I entered…

In practical terms…I already knew the melody line and I harmonised it with chords working out a fingerpicking accompainement as well :blush:

This is all Justin’s merit, because he made me understand in practice what chords in a key are…and into practice I applied the concept! Well…just take it as a Beginner Study anyway :sweat_smile:

Ps: I highly reccomend you watch the film, you’ll understand why we Italians are so fond of this piece :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



Beautiful, melodic, heartfelt, evocative - I’m running out of adjectives. Brilliant piece of work.



Absolutely beautiful Silvia. So peaceful and captivating.

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Oh Silvia, that was lovely. Well done on even finding the door never mind working it out. Beautiful. :clap:

I bought Cinema Paradiso back in 2002 and I’ve still not watched it yet. :flushed: :joy:

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That was very beautiful Silvia, I enjoyed it. If I got it correctly, you figure out (arranged) yourself the fingerpicking based on chords and melody? If yes, that is seriously impressive! Well done!

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Beautiful Sivia ! The playing. The peacefulness. The vidéo aspect is really great too ! Very good job ! Bravo !

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Beautifully played Sylvia. I’m most impressed that you worked out the fingerstyle pattern yourself.
Well done.

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Thank you all for taking the time to listen and comment! I’m ever so glad you enjoyed it and I much appreciate your feedback! @beejay56 @Eddie_09 @BigLuc

I only had the melody, I worked out both the fingerstyle and the chords by thinking…this could be in the key of C…then I thought it should be a minor key because of the feeling of the piece, and I remembered when I had worked out a chord progression for JG PMT classes…I was thinking to be in the key of D then… and @brianlarsen suggested: “Sure you’re not in the key of Bm?” Am!! That was my key! I checked the video of the original (an advanced arrangement for CG) and the first chord played is Gm…in fact I sound 1 tone higher! I would have never dared to try to work out the chords by ear if I hadn’t the key!

THE FINGERSTYLE: this is even more than a pattern, as I was able to make little but feeling good variations depending on the phrasing of the melody, and twice I deviate from the pattern to pick the melody notes…I’m well impressed myself, Lol …honestly, never I thought I could achieve so much!

Stefan, we also bought the dvd and never watched it…it is highly emotional and it makes you cry…and yet at the end you feel grateful for those tears…we never watch the dvd but whenever the film is on telly it feels like one has to stop whatever he/she is doing and cry those tears! I watched it so many times that now I know all the scenes from memory!


Then I’ll dig it out and we’ll give it a watch. I’ll get back to you once we have.

Just on a bit of a hi-jack, have you seen, Life is beautiful? If not, I highly recommend it. A rollercoaster of emotions. :slight_smile:

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You mean La vita è bella by Benigni? Yes, I watched that :heart: “rollecosters of emotions”
I like this expression, it well describes both films.

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That’s the one, Silvia. One of my all time favourites.

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That was wonderful, Silvia, bravo

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Beautiful as ever Silvia and I couldn’t agree more, it’s an amazing film, I second your recommendation!

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Well that was beautifully arranged and played, Silvia, and you even took the video to the next level too. Very impressive. Bravo.

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That was mesmerizing, Silvia. Your talent is incredible in my view. I loved it all. Video was so well done too. I love movies, so I will definitely watch the one you mentioned. Thanks!

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That was wonderful Sylvia. :clap:

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What a start to my musical morning Silvia :clap: :sunglasses:

… (actually two and a half days because very busy here with stupid side issues such as (re)looking for a car :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)

This sounds really great and is a piece that I will definitely try sometime

:see_no_evil: well the never decreasing mountain of wishes to play creates a shortage of attention perhaps for our partners :roll_eyes: :innocent:


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@DavidP @Socio @TheCluelessLuthier @pkboo3 @Notter @roger_holland thank you all so much for your positive feedback…I’m really happy you enjoyed it! And yes…as James and Pamela have pointed out I put some more effort in the video production, mostly to gain in sound quality.

@pkboo3 do watch this one…you’ll love it! And…

…no…it’s practice! :joy: And a huge, unconditional, endless love for this piece :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@roger_holland I hope you’re changing car because it’s old and not because you broke it! :crossed_fingers: Rogier I thought of you the other day as 7 cute baby boars were on my way…but I didn’t linger to admire the little cuties as the only thought that mummy boar could be around scared the hell out of me!


Highly impressive chord melody. :slight_smile: Especially knowing that you worked on the arrangement by yourself :open_mouth:

Great sound, dynamic and rhythm. :slight_smile:

Also, you look so peaceful and immersed into the music. It’s clear that you found the right instrument and style for you.

Finally, thumbs up for the video editing. It’s cool to have the 2 videos, the DVD and the title laid out like this.

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Hi Silvia,
I made a big dent in it at the payment ports at Autostrada A22 when the car was about 3 weeks old :see_no_evil: … 13 years ago :sweat_smile:a sweet little Peugot 107, now we almost had a new one (2nd hand) a few months ago,but the sale canceled by us an hour before we should pay…We need a much larger one, with a large low hatch so that my wife does not have to lift the wheelchair so heavily/high, a high passenger seat and even more requirements due to my situation… and I don`t like buying/driving cars or whatever with cars either…

:grin:a super (in retrospect) nice memory of Italy comes to mind at our breakfast table :grin:… almost forget the hassle of buying a new one

:heart_eyes: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

:joy: :rofl: :joy:

Thanks for the smiles this morning


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