Older guitar students - can 'old dogs' learn new tricks?

Mirrors, they’re not to be trusted.

I don’t have any suggestions for books, but here’s what I do to learn and play along with songs.
Most anything I want to learn and play along with has a YT video, or variety of YT videos. If I’m not trying to transcribe song, I will use JG Tabs or Ultimate Guitar as a starting point. They usually have lyrics and chords to start with. UG isn’t always 100% accurate but that’s OK. Modifying it to sound right to your ears is part of the learning process. I also subscribe to UG so I can use the ‘Official’ tabs which usually contain more detailed and accurate info. I can slow down the YT video, if needed, to get started and speed up as I’m able. If It’s a song that I want to learn well, perhaps multiple parts, I’ll convert the YT into an mp3. I can use mp3 with other tools, e.g. ‘Transcribe’, and its available to me on my local device without need for an internet connection.
You can do some of this for free. The $ spent on the tools provide additional access to a wide range of music and provide capabilities that are useful as you develop.


Much appreciated.

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  1. Right on. Most of us (me, of course) have the ‘wish I had put in the time earlier.’ Here we are, though. Done raising kids, maybe still working some, maybe not. I tip my hat to everyone here, regardless of age. We’re here and learning! Truly better late than never!

I’m having a hard time getting motivated to practice lately, even if I’m just practicing songs. I’m hoping I haven’t burned out and it’s just that I’ve been running about lately like a chicken with it’s head cut off. I don’t have to go out tomorrow though, so maybe I’ll feel more motivated? I’ve been having to force myself to practice. I should be having some fun visiting my sister=in=law next weekend, so maybe that will help?

To think I actually thought my 2 weeks in Massachusetts visiting my sisters at the beginning of the month were supposed to de-stress me…!

Anyone else feeling like this, or have any hints on breaking out of this funk?

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It’s happened, but a few days away from the guitars always breaks me out of it. But as long as I take one day off a week, it hasn’t hit me for a while now.


@LunaRocket Hi Rebecca, When I’m too busy, everything feels like a chore - even things I love doing. I wonder if this is happening for you. One trick that often helps me: do “the thing” you’re not getting to (ahem - practicing guitar?) first thing in the morning. Even if you have to get up a few minutes early to do it, and even if you don’t have time to do everything you feel you “should” do. In my experience this doesn’t make practicing (or whatever) easier or even more enjoyable, but at least I did it, and that helps me stop worrying about losing my mojo!

Good luck. 'Tis the season, I suppose!


I have lots of time to really devote myself, but wonder just how long! There is no perfect time but I love it & even though the songs are not my kind of music (I laugh when Justin says people are going to want “we students” to play some of this stuff at get togethers. I have to pull them up on Utube to see what they are! But hey, if Justin says so, I’m learning them!
I wish I’d stuck with it all these years but we had things to do, places to go, a family to raise and somehow the guitar didn’t make it into our irregular life. No regrets, I’m on it now & my finger tips are like steel. I’m unstoppable!


I’m with you on the John Denver / Lightfoot songs. Justin does have ‘Country Roads’ on his site! I haven’t looked for other John Denver songs. I’ve always preferred finger picking, too, which is because I really had no instruction on strumming, felt very inadequate at it (rightly so). I’ve paid the big bucks (kidding; well worth it) for his strumming courses, and they are very good, definitely give me a confidence I haven’t had. We’ll just keep learning … still working to develop those fingers of steel! We’ve got this thing!

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:+1: Well Said

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Being an older guitar beginner, i try to play sheet music, but just like to move around the fretboard. I have difficulty reading and playing chord music as i don’t understand when to move to the next chord. I can play simple strumming patterns as long as i have them in front of me. I completed a Military Veterans program, Guitars4Vets, in June, 2023.
I have been enjoying playing and want to get better.


I just ordered an “old, used (similar to myself)” 1972 Guitar Book with songs & picking styles. I’ll let u know how that goes. My basic problem is that even when I find a finger picking style to practice, I’ve been practicing Justins stuff for so long, I’m too worn out to start on another direction…&, it’s time for our nap! :slight_smile: Being this age, I’ve got to get everything is as quickly as possible!

Hansen’s Popular Finger-Picking Guitar Method Paperback – January 1, 1972
by [Eric Snyder, Jerry & Holcomb

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Well I guess I qualify at 60 lol…I would not go so far as to describe myself as mature !! Old yes, mature no lol

I have neen at it for a while, and am not making great strides, but I enjoy trying. What I lack in talent I make up for in determination. Oddly,
I have noticed my air guitar skills have vastly improved lol

I admit, I have tried to mimic Pete Townshends wind mill, I don’t do any of this in front of anyone lol but have yet to smash anything :wink:

I will keep at it, and hopefully will be able to find more time to practice.

I figure if I practice enough and live long enough I may actually be able to play at my funeral lol…,.


Hello fellow oldies. I’ll soon be 66 and started the beginner program 16 days ago. I have little to no experience playing guitar, but have always wanted to learn. My goal is to learn as much of the material offered here as I can. I can’t believe that such a well structured program is free. I’m on a tight budget so ''Free" is perfect. I do like the ability to donate when I have a few extra bucks though.

I did quite a bit of research before starting, and found this course to be exactly what I was looking for. I decided on purchasing an electric guitar package (Donner 152) and a Fender Mustang LT25. I couldn’t be happier with my decision. The Mustang allows me to explore all those great electric guitar amp sounds. I hope to be able to use them once I learn some great riffs down the road.

Anyway, if I ever become famous, you are all invited to my concerts for free! Proof of age will be expected though. :wink:


I began just after I turned 67, and I’m still plugging away seven years later. Welcome aboard, have fun!


@Music1958, 64 here started in May of this year! Welcome and keep strumming!


Welcome Murray :sunglasses:

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Hello William and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

Enthusiasm and enjoyment are all you need to play guitar.


Hello and welcome to our community Murray. :slight_smile:

I’ve printed your invite off, for when you become famous.


Hello Murray, and a warm welcome to the community :hugs:. I wish you loads of fun along your guitar journey :guitar::smiley:!


Hi William @gonzo3298
Welcome and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

Hi Murray @Music1958
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses: