Older guitar students - can 'old dogs' learn new tricks?

By the way - echoing what Helen/Andrea says… Welcome to all you Grizzled Old Doggies who’ve joined since my last post! Good luck to all of you (and ignore my grumpiness above - having a rough day!) in your Guitar Journey!!!



Recently graduated up too module 1 grade 3.

Did the usual practice routine last night as set out by Justin with a few extras thrown in (about 45 minutes give or take).

I then decided to have a go at “A Horse with No Name” by America. Justin cheerfully explains that this is one of the easiest 2 chord songs out there.

So, I had the Boy’s from America lined up on Spotify ready to go.

Tensions were running high as we had never played together before.

And off we went.

If the truth be told it was a little shambolic.

The boys seemed to have a problem adjusting to my unique style of chord changes and subtle variations in rhythm and tempo.

We would occasionally cross paths (musically speaking) and for a few brief moments we jelled harmoniously as one tight outfit. Unfortunately, the boys would quickly fall out of the groove and go off in their own direction leaving me to hold up my end on my own.

After about forty minutes I called it a day and showed them the door.

This morning I woke up to find my wrist as stiff as a board and something akin to carpal tunnel syndrome causing shooting pains up from my fingers through my wrist and up to my elbow.

I tell you this getting old lark isn’t all its cracked up to be.

My 61st birthday falls this week (where has the time gone?) and I look forward with anticipation to what gifts mother nature has in store for me this year and which bits will suddenly stop working as advertised or simply drop off or fall out.

I wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas.




Hello, Dana, another Dana here. My unofficial name tabulation over the years suggests that an “old dog” Dana tends to be male, but a “young wippersnapper” Dana tends to be female. I remember in elementary school being miffed at my mother when I first realized that “Dana” could be both.


Thanks for making me smile this morning :+1:t3: :joy:!

Don’t ever do this! It doesn’t lead to anything… :rofl:!


Don’t sweat it- backing bands are a dime a dozen these days :rofl:

Happy birthday! :smiley: :birthday:
You’re only a year older than me, but I’ve been down to the bodypart exchange a number of times recently and picked up a couple of cataract replacements as well as a new hip. :wink:


@brianlarsen Are we seriously going to the spare parts warehouse in this thread? Be careful what you write, maybe Richard will extend the list at the top of this thread with all the exchanged bodyparts… :see_no_evil: :joy:


70 next year and I am sorry to tell you that it is all downhill from here. :roll_eyes:


I’m not looking forward to getting old. You lot aren’t selling it very well! :joy:


Oh Vinnie, thank you for that. Tears streaming down while reading your post (even after the cataract treatment). Happy Birthday.


Wow it may be time to rename this thread “gloom and doom” :thinking::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy: we are all so blessed!!


Cheer up folks its not all bad. I`m 65 and feel fine. Still get out on my mountain bike . Think I may give the local rugby team a miss for now but played into my forties. No rigor mortis as yet. :smiley:


Okay, let’s get the old dogs fired up then!

Who’s learned a new trick recently?


Does trying to come to terms with this Community Forum count?
Woof Woof


I learned, if you want to see if your sister-in-law’s laptop cord will work in your laptop because you left your chord 200 miles away, NOT to test in while it is still plugged in. I type this from my replacement laptop. sigh that’s one more guitar I’m NOT buying this year.


Yeah but look at the bright side. Next year is only 16 days away ! :wink:


My mother said she named me after the company that made her favorite perfume, Tabu. The company is Dana. She also told me that if kids my age never hear of a male named Dana, I should tell them about the actor Dana Andrews. That didn’t work.

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The comedian Dana Carvey maybe?

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I’m 68 years old, so that reference wouldn’t have worked 50+ years ago.

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3 posts were split to a new topic: How to join CLub Whatsapp groups?

Thanks. Been awhile since I’ve even picked up the guitar, so waiting to get motivated :slight_smile:

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