Older guitar students - can 'old dogs' learn new tricks?

Fantastic that you’re here and learning with us, Murray!

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I thought there must be some mistake when I saw my username wasn’t on the list posted by Richard @Richard_close2u , but no It appears that while I’ve had many a good laugh reading this thread, and I’m sure I’ve clicked quite a few “likes”, I’ve never actually posted here! Obviously this post rectifies that!


Let me & any other obsessed finger picking person know what you think. It works for me
JG teaches me the hard stuff, but I have to find my own way on what works for me.



I really got a response when I began my guitar skills again & said I was using a glove I purchased on Amazon…Musicians glove. That was in October. Best thing I ever did. I have calouses now but when my finger tips get tender, back on goes the glove! I love practicing & playing for at least 2 to 3 hours EVERY day except Sunday when I’m watching the NFL Red Zone. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I decided to learn the guitar when I was 19. Learned some chords, took a few lessons from a fellow who led a church group. His preference was finger picking, and I learned Travis picking then – basically one version of it, I’ve used that in the years since, and I watch others doing their finger picking and think, I have a lot to learn here.

What I never learned to do was use a pick – I mean without fumbling all over the place. So I’ve put more time into strumming for now, with Justin, and some other programs. Justin’s program is awesome for strumming.

I will let you know what I think when I get it.

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At 2 to 3 hours every day, you cannot help but make massive progress … I’m trying to get in 30 to b60 minutes a day on the guitar, sometime more. Studying the keyboard, too, and splitting time between them. Acoustic guitar is just so beautiful, I just want to get much more skilled than I am – and I will. Progress underway. It’s great to read your notes, Nancy.


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All I can say is “Hurry,” I’m almost 81 & I want to see you famous. :+1:t3:

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Woof Woof!

Learning new tricks as I go.
Sometimes had to take a few breaks of a couple of months or more over the last couple of years for health reasons, but even after that, some stuff sinks in :slight_smile:

Justin’s recent Christmas ‘LIVE! Arranging Christmas Chord Melody with Guitar Pro’ made an impression - I’m not yet at the stage of finding the melody and then the chords, but the melody part has made me revisit some songs and find those melodies, and my use of scales as an exercise has helped a lot there as well.

Learn scales, they are useful!


Hello, I just started learning last week. Soon to be 68 and I’ve always wanted to learn to play. I’ve already developed a blister on one of my fingers. So, I’m going to try to go a little slower.



Hello Dana and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

Maybe get a blister on your thumb. :smiley:


Or install a microwave oven :laughing:


Hi Dana,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun and a quick recovery and return to full practice :sunglasses:


Older player here in the Philly (USA) area. I figure if Keith is not too old then…


Hello and welcome to our community Paul. :slight_smile:

No one is to old. If you enjoy it, do it.

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Hi Paul @paulde
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun and a lot of practice :sunglasses:

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I missed so many new members and “old dogs”, just wanted to say welcome to all new members :hugs: Have a lot of fun and inspiration from this thread and the whole community :dog:!


Still here :slight_smile: Almost 53 now and been playng for about 4 years this time after learning a few things when I was a teenager.

Am slowly getting there, I can now finally see some improvement. It takes me less time to learn a new song part these dsays, but then I do tend to forget them easier!


One problem with being an old dog is I just can’t bounce back from stupid head or chest colds anymore. They always seem to morph into something nastier! I’ve barely practiced at all these last 2 weeks, till yesterday, finally got 30 minutes in. And dang it, my pinkie hurts again!

Finally on the mend.

ETA: My pinkie is feeling better tonight. :blush:


Yes… Oh what was that…?


So I just wondering what’s so great about getting older…
“they” say we’re Wiser… who wants to be Wise at the expense of being unable to get up without creaking old knees or arthritic hands or wrinkles for God’s sake!!!
Sure, you may have a bit more “leisure time” but wait… got to go stand in line at the pharmacy to pick up my meds!!! It takes a lot longer to do the things we used to take for granted, like picking up the yard or washing my car…

Learning to play guitar IS lots of fun ~ it’s one of my absolute favorite things ~ but forgetting chord sequences and/or chord shapes is certainly annoying!!!

Too bad we weren’t born old & get progressively younger as we age!!! :laughing:
