Older guitar students - can 'old dogs' learn new tricks?

Spot on left-handed Tom from Aberdeen! Left-handed Michael here at 66, healthy and still have my hair which is minimally gray. I also ride my mountain bike (tamely) and played in a 35 and older soccer league until I was 54. As a life long curmudgeon, I know how to grouse with the best … but why? I’d rather play guitar - and bitch about the F#%k@*g F and B barre chords.


Kinda like being a bride…
“Something Borrowed, Something BLUE” :roll_eyes::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_peeking_eye:
and ya just don’t know what the next night will bring your way!!! :flushed:


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Hey what age is older guitar student? I feel older I am in 40s played guitar since 21 been playing but not improving. I raised 5 kids and now a grandma of 2. I am practicing all the time now and I love it! Its hard to find confidence in playing. But I am learning allot.


All a matter of perspective, I guess. My kids are in their 40s. Welcome!

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I must have missed the cut (maybe too young being ONLY 61 ). Looks like I’m destined to be a forever grade 1. I’m up to grade three in the lessons but haven’t memorized any songs. I am a current Air traffic Controller and recently moved to a new tower so am in the middle of a 6 month retraining course - its hard to hit the books again at this age and for an aerodrome where there is the usual airline , general aviation, helicopters etc but also on field skydiving, gliding, gyrocopters and all sorts of other off the cuff operations all happening at the same time so the brain is a bit busy and not up to memorizing songs as well. maybe next week.
I tend to just get on the app and karyoke along, changing the tempos and the strumming patterns to suit how I like the songs to sound - all the while battling the bl00*y arthritis.
Ain’t life grand, thank goodness for Scotch!


Hi Rebecca, @Bettad
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses: and
my own rule was for a long time 50 and higher…(now I actually think 55+ :roll_eyes: :innocent:)

but now that there is a vintage lesson club and Richard (the teacher) has attached a label of 45+ to it, I think you are safe here :wink:

And It has become busy here with old acquaintances and lesser known ones and if I haven’t said hello to you it is because I forgot and can’t read everything back here because then…well uh…something to do with age or something …

:wave: all :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: OLD but not done :sunglasses: :muscle: :guitar: :microphone:



I’m 67 feel 30 - head and body tend to disagree in that score sometimes. You are as old as you feel. Older and wiser, again jury’s out on that as well. After all its just a number.

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Fully agree there. Mentally old dogs are (or should be) free from adult anxieties and teenage angst, and there is nothing quite like playing music that you listened to (but never quite understood what the lyrics meant) and to attempt licks and riffs, or god forbid singing 'those’40+ year old songs that defined ones youth.

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You’re a grandmother, you qualify! :grinning:

I don’t have any kids but I have plenty of nieces, nephews and great nieces and nephews now.

Glad you’re enjoying playing.


My daughter married someone with 3 kids and suddenly I have 7 grand children. How the heck?


Shake, rattle and more rattle.

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Greetings Craig from a fellow ATC Guy!!!
I’m a center controller from Albuquerque NM, USA!
Not sure about the rules where you’re from (where are you from anyway?) but in the US, they kick us off the boards at 56… I’ve been in a desk job for 5 years now. I really miss working airplanes but don’t miss shift work!!! I started playing guitar as a stress reliever… I kept an old beat up guitar in my locker at work & played on breaks! How long have you been “pushing tin”? Enjoy the guitar playing & Good Luck checking out at the new facility!!!


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It just clicked that I’d commented on your intro thread… so again, welcome & good luck with guitar helping you to find peace & heal. My heart truly goes out to you my brother Controller.

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Hey catman,
I’ve been pushing tin for about 35 yrs next may. I did procedural approach at a domestic to start with then swung a transfer to a busier aerodrome only unit. I then transferred to Auckland international Airport in the tower again. I was only going to do a couple of years there but the corporation moved the radar center to a different city so I stayed a tower guy for 26yrs in Auckland. I am now at Tauranga, a very busy domestic tower unit. We can keep going as long as we want as long as we can pass the medical and the annual proficiency checks. I know what you mean about the shift work.
And yes I’ve found guitar a great stress reliever, even my lowly efforts.
Still, it beats working for a living :cowboy_hat_face:


I know, right? It’s the best kept secret that the stress isn’t really that bad except when you’re super busy or your boss is a big jerk!!!


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Great job, Richard, glad to be part of this group.

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This is a great idea to help us find our old dog peers. Well done!

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I’m almost four weeks into the first module and I don’t think I’m advancing that much. I’m up to about 30 changes from A to D but most of them are kind of sloppy. How long should it take to get more proficient at playing the chords cleanly so I can move on to the second module?

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That varies hugely by person, so it’s difficult to answer. Have you watched Nitsuj practising? That may give you some idea of how good, ‘good enough’ is: https://www.justinguitar.com/modules/nitsuj-grade-1-practice


5 posts were split to a new topic: Hello from Kurt, an old dog from USA