Older guitar students - can 'old dogs' learn new tricks?

Welcome Prakash @tiprakash123! I like your approach - understand your tools before trying to use them. :smiling_face: That said, it’s time to make some music! Looking forward to seeing you around the community.


Thank you Judi.

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Welcome, Prakash. Learning a Pink Floyd song is an admirable goal. Hope you have graduated from a photo to an actual guitar by now. :laughing:


Woof @Svoisine Shawn and @tiprakash123 Prakash ,

Welcome here and you see that nobody is to old to learn :smiley: :sunglasses:

I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:



@Svoisine @tiprakash123
You’re in the kennel - I hope you feel cosy and warm alongside all the other woofers! :slight_smile:

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Thank you

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Hi Prakash! I haven’t tried “Another Brick in the Wall” but as an “old dog” working through Beginner Grade 1, I learned “Wish You Were Here” a few weeks ago and it’s not too hard once you have C and G. I learned an easy version first, from WISH YOU WERE HERE CHORDS (ver 2) by Pink Floyd @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com and now I’m working on Justin’s version which is a little harder. I was amazed I could play Pink Floyd so early in my guitar journey.


Welcome to the group and JustinGuitar, Akkana. I started learning that back in grade 1, too, love me some Pink Floyd!

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Thanks Akkana, that gives me hope :slight_smile:

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I have accepted that I’ll never be more than a mediocre guitar player, just playing in the afternoons for my own enjoyment and to fill a couple of retirement hours. I have also come to understand that having a bad day or two every so often is to be expected.

However, I had a run of a whole bunch of bad days. I was beginning to think it was an irreversible, age-related decline (I’ll be 75 in a few weeks.) it was so bad I was contemplating seeing what my local guitar store would give me for all my stuff, or putting it up on the local musicians’ group on Facebook.

Ah, but today I was back to my familiar mediocrity. Onward (if not upward) I go!


Hey @markr31 Mark. I’m happy playing mostly for myself and telling my self that mediocre or somewhat better is pretty damn good for this Old Curmudgeon, and far better than never having picked up a guitar. Sounds like you are sitting on a fence. My prescription is go learn to play this song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lBLxaIOZG4

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If you replace the word ’ mediocre’ with ‘competent’ it puts whole different view on your playing.
Its easy to compare yourself to professionals because you listen to them all the time. I’m going through the same loop as you and trying to focus on enjoying what I can play, and hopefully get better at it, rather than beating myself up for not being a better player.


Don’t know if I posted this in the wrong spot so I’ll put it here too -
Hey everyone, Lou G here, I started playing guitar in '70 at the age of 13, got to a fairly proficient level, enough to support my singing which I really love to do and played in a few bands, coffee shops and bars and finally wound up leading Worship after finding Jesus in '87 - mostly play acoustic but have dabbled with electrics for a long time. Have always considered myself to be a “longtime beginner” got to a level of playing and stopped progressing. Have finally decided I want to learn how to become a lead guitar player and am embarking on this journey with Justin. I am starting at Grade 1 and working from there.


Hi Lou @Asat11, you’re in the right place for an introduction. Thank you for sharing! Looking forward to seeing you around the Community.

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Hi Lou @Asat11

Your age has not tricked you … this is the right place :smiley:… welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:, and starting with grade 1 is a super good idea, you will probably go through it quickly at first but that’s good for your ego :sunglasses:



Hi All - George A here from Kelowna Canada. Typical narrative: started playing in my teens, had a life w/o guitar, retired, reignited interest in playing. Have had the pleasure of taking Justin’s courses for a couple of years and currently participating in the BLIM course…so much fun; so many new tricks to learn! Happy to connect with folks in the area.


Welcome to the Kennel, George. Enjoy the BLIM.

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I really like your comment “the time is going to pass regardless”! It is so easy to put things off or waste time on stuff which makes little difference to your happiness. You don’t actually have all the time in the world. Now is the best time to start with consistency and patience for the win.


Now that I am old I can get away with things like this:


Love the socks ill have to dig mine out :rofl:

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